Interview with Mr. Abhishek Tripathi, Founder, Webvriksha


An interview with Mr. Abhishek Tripathi, Founder, Webvriksha

by Nida Shaikh, Content Writer,


  • Tell us something about yourself.

I am from U.P., which is a spiritual and historical province with political prominence but not the earth of software growth.  Mumbai is the heaven of young entrepreneurs and the city has ever fascinated me. I came to Mumbai because I wanted to start my own business. I was an average student but was more active in extracurricular activities. I have done my management in HR and Marketing. It was the same with me as with all children whose parents want to see them either as doctor or as engineer. When I came to Mumbai, I enrolled to a Pharmacy College but I could not complete the course, as my heart was not in it. I became very much dejected. However, I was determined that instead of going back to my native place I would rather do something here in Mumbai. I got my first job as an HR executive in a placement firm but I soon realized that HR was not my forte. I was on the path of self-discovery and was still quite unsure about my future course and the path I should follow. That is when I was exposed to the world of marketing and I realized that this was something that fascinated and spurred me. I applied for and got a job as a marketing executive in one of the reputed IT companies in Mumbai. After spending few years in the job, I realized that I was not comfortable with just doing monotonous work that binds your spirit. This was not the reason I came to Mumbai. I decided to quit the comfortable corporate job and subsequently under the guidance of my guru and mentor Mr. Gopalakrishnan, started my own enterprise. It is our aim to help organizations with our knowledge, skill and expertise.


  • Tell us something about your business. How were you inspired to take up this entrepreneurship, its vision & current status?

We are a professional marketing company specializing in digital marketing. The key factor that differentiates us from the run-of-the-mill companies is our unique approach with a human touch. When we acquire a client, we believe in establishing a heart-to-heart connection with them, understand their psyche and work out effective strategies most suitable to their needs. Our mission is to propel companies towards wholesome growth through innovative ideas, unique marketing insights and personalized service according to the nature and philosophy of the companies. Bangalore may be the hub of software industry today but our vision is to see Mumbai become center theme of global attraction.


  • What is your philosophy towards work?      

In the automaton world of today where we have lost the personal touch, the personal connect, we wish to bring about a radical change in client servicing. Instead of looking at clients as a source of revenue, we intend to become their partners in growth. We aim to deliver innovative ideas backed by thorough market research and unique marketing strategies.


  • Name 3 qualities of prime importance that an entrepreneur should possess?

Love’, ‘Devotion’ and ‘Dedication’ should be the three qualities for entrepreneurship that are based on co-operation’, ‘spiritualism’ & ‘enthusiasm’


  • According to you, what are the challenges for Entrepreneurship today?

Challenge is kiln that shapes the iron; but if we were to name some of the factors that throttle the growth of an entrepreneur it would be inadequate financial backing, poor of access to latest knowledge, pitiable infrastructural facilities and lack of legal facilitation from the governmental bodies to help in the process of development.


  • Can Entrepreneurship be taught in B-Schools/Management Institutes/Colleges?

It is my opinion that entrepreneurship cannot be taught in schools; it is something one is born with. It is a latent tendency that if nurtured at the right time spurts forth. Business schools can definitely teach you the knacks of running business. Management schools today are churning out brilliant minds that are an asset to any business.


  • “Is the Name of the Institute from where a student pursues his/her Graduation/Post Graduation or other courses important while setting up your business?

History has been witness to the fact that there is no connection between education and entrepreneurship. Need I point out that many successful entrepreneurs have been college dropouts?


  • “Earning more & more is the motive behind any business.” Is it justifiable?

We all know that primarily business are of two kinds – Profit and Non-Profit. The businesses for profit are primarily started either for fulfilling needs or to create certain value. Earning more and more money is not the sole aim of business. However, in the race to survive, somewhere down the line, the focus gets shifted to money. The allure of money is difficult to resist in these times as even the most astute and up-front businesses find themselves ensnarled by it.


  • What message would you like to give to the budding entrepreneurs?

My message for the budding entrepreneurs is – a theme of success, a vision of success and a reason of success, i.e. think big, dream and attempt a part of success. That first step of ladder is crucial to reach the highest marks of success. Don’t look back; If at all you look back do so only to search out the deficiency and for creating new efficiencies.


  • What is your personal mission statement?

I would like to see young entrepreneurs driving the country towards a glorious future. My personal mission is to pave a path for those whom, with their heart in the right place, dare to explore new frontiers and unlock the wealth for the greater good of humanity


  • What is your definition of success?

Success comes from the right action and perseverance. Definition of success should be result oriented ever.


  • What has been your most effective marketing tactic or technique?

I would not call it a marketing tactic but our open, honest and straightforward approach and our sincere efforts to educate the client about the work we do has proved to most effective for our business


You people are doing a commendable job in inspiring, guiding and supporting young entrepreneurs. One never stops learning in life and even the greatest of men have something to learn from others. So too in business no one can ever claim to omniscient. Sharing of knowledge in an atmosphere that fosters a competitive atmosphere based on co-operation will be beneficial for all. I am glad that you are providing such a platform for all.


For more information about our company and product you can log on to


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Hello Eveyone!!! Myself Shaikh Nida , Well im in Royal College pursuing for TYBMS. I would describe my self as a Self confident girl who loves to take up challenges. One of my speciality is that i can work effectively with diverse group of people. I enjoy Dancing, Photograhy and Reading Novels... "Don’t judge me by the mistakes I’ve made, but by what I’ve learned from them. "


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