Interview with Mr. Chirag Dodiya, Founder, Plorez, Micro SEO Masters and Eprobe


An Interview with Mr. Chirag Dodiya, Founder, Plorez, Micro SEO Masters and Eprobe

 Chirag Dodiya


  • Tell us something about yourself?

This is Chirag from Mumbai, India. I am from a middle class family. Recently passed out 1st year BMS. I am an average student not a bookworm eventually. As an 18 year old, I started my career in IT about 2 years ago. Being a self-taught person, I learned about SEO and Marketing from the web. Started working with an event company when I passed out of 12th. I left my most recent job about 3 months ago in order to work for my startups on a full time basis.


  • Tell us something about your ventures.

Started my first venture at the age of 16 “Eprobe” in Jan 2012. Co-founded “Micro SEO Masters” with my best friend Avish Hakani in Oct, 2012 as a part of Eprobe.

My most recent startup inspired towards training and helping young entrepreneurs “Plorez” was launched on Jan 2013.

Plorez is a Multipreneurial community of young entrepreneurs and innovators who believe in unity and helping others to turn ideas into action. Working on a new business idea is more about trusting your instincts and vision. We at Plorez help these young entrepreneurs with access to the most important thing all startups need. Knowledge and Connections, We are partnering up with leading corporations to provide affordable hosting, SEO and Marketing opportunities. Teaching young minds about starting a business from scratch with Plorez Lab.

You might have been thinking what kind of name is “Plorez”. Well, being unique in the industry is an important task and looking at our core purpose we wanted to name it something which defines the purpose of Exploration. “Xplore” was the name we were looking forward to but we made minor modification in the name changing the X to the end as Z thus you can guess “Plorez” was born.


  • What is your philosophy towards work?

“Work” is not really a word I use; it’s more like having fun and enjoying the time. When your passion is your profession, you love what you do and do what you love. Everything just falls into place when you are aware about what your passion really is.


  • Whom do you admire as your role model? And why?

My biggest inspiration and role model has always been my parents who have always supported me and never restricted me into dreaming big and achieving it. My sister has always been my greatest mentor in business, she taught me to turn my ideas into action (Though she is not techy).


  • “Management is core to every individual, organization & society.” Give your views on it.

In any business organization, just executing task is not enough. If you don’t have a plan or strategy to do things right, you will never be able to achieve the goal. Management is the heart of every business organization. An effective management will help you to achieve your goal or can turn your business into a part of forgotten history.


  • Name 3 qualities of prime importance that a businessman should possess.

I believe that every businessman or an entrepreneur should have the three prime qualities according to me…


Focus: As being an Internet Marketer from the past 2 years, I witnessed product launches every day that is trying to recruit you into a get rich quick scheme. The internet is all about information and excess information can cause you a net syndrome (Not actually a syndrome) known as “Information Overload”. You wouldn’t be able to concentrate on one thing as far as to make into a successful venture. In any business field, Focus is one important quality you need to have or the one thing you need to improve.


Leadership: Great Leaders don’t tell you what to do, But shows you how to do it. Be the one and lead a passionate team, the only ingredient that can turn a venture into a Successful venture.


Passionate: Passion is what drives the successful entrepreneurs today. Take a good example such as Mark Zuckerberg or Sheryl Sandberg. If you are not passionate about what you do, I suggest you to go back to doing a job. At least it won’t incur your losses.



According to you, what are the challenges for Entrepreneurship today?

Uniqueness is the biggest challenge a startup can face in the current market. If your business is just like something which already exist. You won’t survive in this stiff competition.

Another challenge an entrepreneur face is less knowledge. Not having enough knowledge of the business and the industry you are trying to step into can be hazardous for your health and your pocket.



Can Entrepreneurship be taught in B-Schools/Management Institutes/Colleges?

For me, Entrepreneurship has always been a journey that focuses into finding your passion and yourself. Management Institutes can only show you the road. You are going to be the one who will have to start the journey and take the first step.



Is the Name of the Institute from where a student pursues his/her Graduation/Post Graduation or other courses important while setting up your business?

No, In my small career till now no one has actually asked me about the institute. The only thing that matters is the RESULT you can get, not the marks you have scored in your examination.



Do you think today’s economy is conducive for a new venture to start upon?

Yes, the only thing that can impact your venture is your own will, not the economy. For a new venture all you need is a good market to start your business. And if the economy is doing great, you are likely to expand. India’s current economy is boosting in the IT field. There is no better time to get your venture to the market.



“Earning more & more is the motive behind any business.” Is it justifiable?

No, earning profit is definitely a prime motive but it should not be the only motive. We live in a society where every business has certain duties, providing quality goods and services to your customers should be the first and foremost motive behind every business or you just wouldn’t survive; as simple as that.



Share with us the most enjoyable moment you had experienced at work.

The most enjoyable time has been when the idea struck into my mind about creating Plorez and the time and work I put into it. The process from just a vision to a reality is the best feeling you can ever experience.



Your feedback for

Thank you to the team for giving me this opportunity to share my experience and knowledge with other fellow entrepreneurs and BMS students.


Keep inspiring the young entrepreneurs…





History- Founded in Jan 2013


Vision/Mission- “Helping Young Entrepreneurs and Startups to build a successful venture”


Products & Service- From turning a vision into a reality with our effective web designing, marketing, planning, and business development expert team.


Marketing Strategy- Connecting with young entrepreneurs via Social Media, SEO and Blog marketing.


Existing Market Presence- Currently Mumbai is our base market, Expanding to all of India.


Future Plans- Being the biggest startup helping organization and a community of entrepreneurs all around the world.




You can reach Mr. Chirag at

Facebook/Twitter Id:, @Chirag_Dodiya


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Ankita Dalvi

I am kinda person who lives a simple life. Manages to be happy in every situation and enjoys every bit of life


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