Interview with Mr. Dhawal Damania, CEO and Founder, DNetZone, The DNetWorks, Air5, Troll Tees


An interview with Mr. Dhawal Damania, Founder of DNetZone, The DNetWorks, Air5, and Troll Tees

by Nida Shaikh, Content Writer of



  • Tell us something about yourself?

Hi, I am Dhawal Damania, a Bachelors of Engineering IT and the founder of DNetZone, The DNetWorks, Air5 and Troll Tees. I also hold Global certifications from Microsoft, CISCO, VMWare and Google.


  • Tell us something about your business?

Our Core business is IT, we do right from Website development to Web Application development, Mobile Application development, IT infrastructure Setup and Maintenance to Backup and recovery solutions for customer in India and Around the world.

The DNetWorks is a Technology blogs with attract more than a 100,000 visitors a Month from around the world, we are in the top 200,000 websites in the world.

Air5 is a revolutionizing concept where we are in plans to offer free Wi-Fi to users, sorry wont be able to reveal more about the company before it launches. You can check out to learn more about the company

Troll Tees, is another venture under me that we are working on, to sell extremely amazing, fashionable and Internet Meme Tees in India and around the world, we are launching Next month, where we will be exclusively selling T-shirts online via


  • How did the idea of this venture came in?

I will have to explain each idea for all my 4 companies.

DNetZone, I always wanted to build software and apps and ever since I was in my College years I started to work on DNetZone, I gained experience by working with Yahoo!, AT&T, Accenture and a few other top end companies and once it got the experience and finished my College I started to work at DNetZone full time.

The DNetWorks, came into existence last year, when I realized that Gap between the readers and website owners.

I saw that most of the website owners were ONLY making website to earn money and I wanted to give value to the reader, so the idea of The DNetWorks came into existence.

Air5 is one of the idea that happen all of a sudden, I was in a café and unhappy of the fact that I couldn’t use my laptop as there was no Wi-Fi, An idea struck which is a Win-Win situation for Café owners, Users and some advertisers as well.

Troll Tees, happened because of my love for design, In India I could only figure one vendor that was offering mediocre design, the rest were even worst, so I saw the potential and started working towards it, to give India it’s very own, Most beautifully design, funny Meme’fied t-shirts at the most affordable price.

If you wish to check out our design visit: and


  • What is your philosophy towards work?

Philosophy towards work is simple.

Don’t let the noise of the outer world influence your own and have the courage to follow your heart and have the perseverance and faith.

Everything else will fall into it’s place. And yes, Stop thinking and start doing.

You may get zillions of ideas in your mind everyday, but if you don’t implement no one cares, having said that, you need to learn to say no to a 1000 things.

Make things Simple not simpler – Einstein

Some things I’ve learnt in these 2 years
1. Experts are clueless.
2. Customers can’t tell you what they need.
3. Biggest challenges beget the best work.
4. Design Counts.
5. Big graphics, big fonts.
6. Jump curves, not better sameness.
7. If it works or doesn’t work, that’s all that matters.
8. Value is different from price.
9. A Players hire A Players. 

10. Real CEOs can demo.
11. Real entrepreneurship.
12. Some things need to be believed to be seen.


  • What skills and technologies are you the most interested in improving upon or learning?

Technology is just a tool to get work done, the leaning Curve according to me must never end, you need to learn at least one thing everyday and to do so, you need to dedicate a lot of time in what you do.

I’ve heard this saying which made sense to me, If you want to be successful get Sundays out of your life for a few years.


  • What are a few of your favorite development tools and why?

We are into a lot of things, hence I can’t figure out 1 development tool, but yes, when it comes to designing, Illustrator and Photoshop
Video editing: Final Cut Pro
Coding: Coda, XCode
I could go on with the list 🙂


  • What or who (person or ideology) motivates you? (Professionally and personally)

Steve Jobs, if I could name one person, but it don’t want to be like him, I know I can be better than him.

Ideology: Persistence is the most important virtue


  • What are a few sites you admire and why?         

Technology sites include, Mashable, Tech Crunch, The Verve, The Next Web.

CISCO forums, Quora Microsoft forums, VMWARE forums, Google Forums, Apple forums and XDA-Developers is where I Contribute.

I am an Avid Facebook, twitter and foursquare users so I visit those site more often.


  • What secondary services do you offer?

Secondary services ruins the focus of a business, we don’t offer any secondary services.


  • Earning more & more is the motive behind any business.” Is it justifiable?

Yes and No, if you work to earn money then it is, If you work to help people around you and want to change the world to make it a better place for other NO


  • What is your definition of success?

Success is, according to me, Happiness, if I am in position that I am happy, my family and extended family is happy, healthy. I am successful.


  • What are the most inspiring interactive infographics on the web?

How can you name ONE? There are so many that come up, having said that, we also have a site dedicated to infographics, it’s one of the post beautiful websites we’ve every created.


  • What is the scope of Web designing?

Web designing, well, if you have the skill talent and the thing to make web beautiful, you can earn big bucks, but if you are an average web designer, please don’t even think of getting in, there are people who do websites for Rs.500.00


  • What message would you like to give to the students aspiring to take web designing as a career?

Website designing is a cliché, try learning PHP, MySQL and get into Web App development and mobile development, which is the future.

And whatever you do, don’t let other tell you what’s right and what’s wrong for you.

And don’t join the 9-5 rut when you are born to change the world. There will be troubles in the beginning but keep working, results will show up


You can check the Company Profile @


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Hello Eveyone!!! Myself Shaikh Nida , Well im in Royal College pursuing for TYBMS. I would describe my self as a Self confident girl who loves to take up challenges. One of my speciality is that i can work effectively with diverse group of people. I enjoy Dancing, Photograhy and Reading Novels... "Don’t judge me by the mistakes I’ve made, but by what I’ve learned from them. "


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