Interview with Mr. Kaiser L. Faruqi, President, ZNZ Media Solutions


An Interview with Mr. Kaiser L. Faruqi, President of ZNZ Media Solutions by Nida Shaikh


Name:- Kaiser L Faruqi

Company:- ZNZ Media Solutions  &


Tell us something about yourself

Career spanning over 18 years in the media industry and having worked in organizations such as Infomedia18 (a Network 18 enterprise),

Exposure in the print and online media industry.

Process owner of many a startup projects.

Accountable for the operational and financial performance.

In brief, Analytics, Startup Projects, SMB Branding, Market Research, Always Positive

Tell us something about your business. How were you inspired to take up this entrepreneurship, its vision & current status?

ZNZ Media Solutions provides tools to help grow your business. Headquartered in Mumbai, India, we offer solutions, consulting and out-sourced services to our clients in an assortment of fields in online marketing and operations. It’s my vision to create an organisation that will enable businesses to reach out to newer and untapped markets via the internet.

The seed was sown by Mr.Rajesh Jain who pioneered the internet concept in India and did a revolution in generating revenue creating properties and inventories for the online media.

What is your philosophy towards work? 

Be the truthful consultant to your client and recommend the correct strategy irrespective you make money as gaining faith is more important. Once you have that faith projects will definitely come, by word of mouth.

Name 3 qualities of prime importance that an entrepreneur should possess.

  1. Knowledge
  2. Leadership
  3. Adaptability
  4. Taking Risks

According to you, what are the challenges for Entrepreneurship today?

  1.     Selection of business one wants to start: One may have a very good business idea, but successful implementation of the idea into business is a meticulous exercise.
  2.   Finance: The problem of organizing finance always distresses the entrepreneur. As you know, without capital no business activity can be started
  3.  Size of the unit: Size of the business is influenced by aspects like technical, financial and market considerations.
  4.     Manpower:  For a large business the entrepreneur has to find suitable competent persons for various functional areas. It is not that easy. It involves a lot of patience and persuasion.
  5.     Willingness to take risk: Any venture is full of risks and uncertainties, the entrepreneur should have willingness and necessary foresightedness to assume risks.

Can Entrepreneurship be taught in B-Schools/Management Institutes/Colleges?

It’s a catch 22 situation. Students who have entrepreneurial parents will not take up the course. To become an entrepreneur, you could be undergraduate or an MBA student it does not make a difference.  It’s more likely that a students with full-time courses may plan on becoming an entrepreneur but those students with part-time courses are more likely to start a business. B-School student may want to become one but may give up due to various reasons like family commitments, increase in their salaries (if working), fear of losing a salaried job and risking their family’s financial security.

“Is the Name of the Institute from where a student pursues his/her Graduation/Post Graduation or other courses important while setting up your business?

An efficient business management course from a institute of repute helps in administrating ones business smoothly. It will motivate and help in dealing with clients in an effective manner. Moreover every year, new products, marketing techniques and business laws are laid by different authorities. Taking up a professional business management course will help in getting updated about the recent changes.

“Earning more & more is the motive behind any business.” Is it justifiable?

One of the characteristic of business is desire to make money (profit). No business can be without profit. The motivation for earning profits keeps a person in business and is also continue the same. Of course there will be losses in business also, but the object of starting a business is to earn profit.

Tell me about your proudest achievement?

  • Set up operations in Pune-Ahmedabad for
  • Reorganized the B2B portal of
  • Stabilized the western operations for
  • Stabilized Delhi operations, opened offices in the NCR during my firefighting stint at Delhi for Infomedia 18
  • Product development – Print and website initiation for exporters pages
  • Successful launch of City Guide Mumbai
  • ICICI Bank to sponsor the Overdrive awards 2006-07
  • Magna to sponsor the National Automotive Design Challenge at the Auto Expo 2008

What message would you like to give to the budding entrepreneurs?

There is distinguishing between an Entrepreneur and Promoter. Those who envisage a business opportunity and are ready to bear the risk are termed as ‘entrepreneurs’ while those who take steps to set up the business and make it functioning are known as promoter.

What is your personal mission statement?

“If you win the war you have to answer to no one. If you lose the war you won’t be there to answer to anyone”

What is your definition of success?

My definition of success can be described in the following couplets.

‘There are two wealth’s in this world, monetary and knowledge. The monetary wealth you leave behind when you die and people will remember you till it lasts with them. The wealth of knowledge is taken with you when you die, so impart it to as many as you can. As they will not only remember you but will also pass on to others which multiplies. That’s success for me.’

Your feedback for                   

It’s an honest beginning to guide young student. Good Luck



1)        History-  Launched December 2010

2)    Vision/Mission-  To create an organisation that will enable businesses to reach out to newer and untapped markets.

3)    Products & Service- Solutions, consulting and out-sourced services to our clients in an assortment of fields in online marketing and operations

4)      Marketing Strategy- Online Media

5)   Existing Market Presence- Mumbai, Ahmedabad

6)     Future Plans- Pan India

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Hello Eveyone!!! Myself Shaikh Nida , Well im in Royal College pursuing for TYBMS. I would describe my self as a Self confident girl who loves to take up challenges. One of my speciality is that i can work effectively with diverse group of people. I enjoy Dancing, Photograhy and Reading Novels... "Don’t judge me by the mistakes I’ve made, but by what I’ve learned from them. "


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