Interview with Mr. Nishant Patel, Co-Founder, and


An Interview with Mr. Nishant Patel, Co-Founder, and

By Saba Vakani, Correspondent,

  • Tell us something about yourself?

Well to start with, I recently graduated BMS from SIES College but I have been working since over 2 years.

Basic areas I have been working are Social Media Marketing, Designing, PR, Event Management, E- Commerce, Post – Productions for channels on TV, Worked with Printing press and currently working for Production of a movie too.


  • Tell us something about your company?

Arteecraftee is an E-commerce Website where we bring the Handicrafts from all over India and sell them online with a huge team of social media marketing for its marketing.

Konceptinfinite is a company I started with the main goal of selling uniquely designed T-Shirts for youth which was a grand success and we had put up stalls in various colleges across Mumbai. The T-shirt part is now run online and orders on various different websites and hence there is no need for stalls now! This company is also used for many Corporate Events, Stage Shows, Bands management, PR for Artists like Shriram Iyer, Vikalp Gandhi, Chain Reaction the Band, AceTattooz and many more.


  • How were you inspired to start this venture?

Well I have always been working in Media environment and have learnt a lot from them and always had the advantage of getting something extra from each internship/job. Somewhere had earned contacts and somewhere gained knowledge, so all I needed a little bit of courage to start something of my own – a company which would work for everything in Events, Publicity and Creativity.


  • How has been your BMS journey?

BMS has been the most life changing journey for me. It simply was a rollercoaster.

Academics, Extracurricular activities, Internships and KTs too!

The Best part of the course was the wide exposure to different aspects of Business, Marketing and Creativity which has helped me learn and get overall development.

What I am right now is completely because of the BMS course. The practical knowledge has helped me to learn a lot and make myself ready for the challenges which gave an edge over others to start a better future.


  • Whom do you admire as your role model? Why?

There are many people in the list but so far the top most person is Sir Richard Branson. His innovative vision and out of the box thinking has been his assets and made him this huge. His efforts to reach in many different areas of business are the most successful point for any Entrepreneur. His style of work has made me his fan.


  • Is the Name of the Institute from where a student does his/her BMS important while entering into corporate world?

Well, not to a most extent as the main part of entering in any field is the knowledge and confidence. The way you present yourself is very important in any type of work.

Interview does not depend on how good your academics are, it depends on how strong your resume is!


  • “Earning more & more is the motive behind any business.” Is it justifiable?

No, this is not at all justifiable as the main motive behind any business should be the Self-Discovery. When you start any business, you don’t know about how it’s gonna go. You just believe in yourself and start it with almost no knowledge and while developing the business you learn and keep discovering more. So learning more and more is the main motive behind any business and not only money.


  • What message would you like to give to the BMS students and budding entrepreneurs?

The message will be just to keep your eyes open and realize the opportunities in front of us and believing in yourself and doing it. There are millions of enemies who don’t want your good and that are the real challenges. They will throw thousands of stones on you, Your part is to collect them and use them to make your own building. Just the biggest secret is to believe in what you do and don’t care of anyone.


  • What qualities you see for apart from the required academic qualification while recruiting a person?

The dedication of that person and the knowledge in that field is very important which we look while recruiting. The work he has done apart from studies is the proof of handling more than one work and how much the person is willing to learn more things which eventually gives out a better person to work with. The understanding of different situations and how he comes out of those situations is the key to know his potential and all this will be seen only if that person himself tries to reach out of the box and become something by himself.


  • Your feedback for

I have been following since my first year of BMS and have always got the best info for my studies and activities related to the field. This website has given up-to-date info when required the most which was very helpful for studies and jobs too.


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Vakani Saba

Aspire to become a Visionary and Motivational entrepreneur like "Steve Jobs and Anita Roddick" which will help to broaden my horizon and to achieve success in life. My strong leadership, convincing, educational and organizational skills and ability to work well with people would help me to grow the company. "An entrepreneur tends to bite off a little more than he can chew hoping he'll quickly learn how to chew it."


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