Interview with Mr. Shailesh Marwaha, Research Analyst, Tata Consultancy Services Limited


An interview with Mr. Shailesh Marwaha, Research Analyst, Tata Consultancy Services Limited

by Nida Shaikh, Content Writer,




Tell me about yourself.

Currently I am working as Research Analyst & Solution Architect with Strategic Solutions (Large Deal) Team of TCS. I did my MBA in Finance from Mumbai University prior to which I worked in Retail Industry for a couple of years after graduating in Chemical Technology from ICT (erstwhile UDCT) Mumbai.

I also help students in choosing their career, provide guidance to MBA aspirants w.r.t. entrance exam tips, GD/PI, colleges to apply etc. apart from clearing some Finance concepts for MBA pursuing students. I am also associated with NGOs which guide MBA/IIT/Engineering aspirants.


Tell me something about your company?

TCS, a US $10 billion company with 2,35,000+ employees, is an IT services, business solutions and outsourcing organization that delivers real results to global businesses. It is a leader in the global marketplace and among the top 10 technology firms in the world. TCS’s continued rapid growth is a testament to the certainty its clients experience every day. Building on more than 40 years of experience, TCS adds real value to global organizations through domain expertise plus solutions with proven success in the field and world-class service.


What is management according to you?

Although, management is considered as an art of ‘managing men’ but I think, the term ‘management’ encompasses an array of different functions undertaken to accomplish a task successfully. In the simplest of terms, management is all about ‘getting things done’. However, it is the way and the process of how one achieves ones target or goals and it is in this respect that management is considered an art and a science as well.


What motivates you to do your best on the job?

The passion to achieve better, better with every new assignment keeps me motivated. After all, I believe its quality & not the quantity of work which matters.


What is your management style to solve a problem?

Through my point of view, every problem gives an opportunity to think differently which means every problem has a solution but the only thing required is to think through different angles, think through all the possible alternatives & then arrive at the best alternative. Hence, one should have positive attitude towards any/every problem in order to solve it since “It’s not your Aptitude but Attitude which decides your Altitude”.


What are the key responsibilities of your current job?

At TCS, I do research on Industry Trends, Emerging Technologies, Prospects, Clients, and Competitors in various Geographies, especially with reference to Large & Strategic Deals.


What have you gained after completing your MBA?

I learnt many new skills & improved upon the existing ones. It helped me enhance leadership skills, business aspects, working under stress and with pressures of deadlines.


What Are the Functions of a Research Analyst?

A Research Analyst is required to research on specific areas/sectors to which his company is related to. For instance, a Research Analyst for Pharma sector in a broking firm would do research on the industry, its trends, government regulations, companies in that sector, global scenario/factors impacting that sector etc. My functions are to do research on Industry trends & emerging technology along with researching on financial position, pain areas of Prospects & Clients; in-depth research on Competitors


What are the expectations of Companies or organizations from management professionals?

Companies expect management professionals to solve the problems judiciously considering all the stakeholders involved with positive attitude; take the problems/challenges in their stride, consider them an opportunity and come up with solutions/strategies which would benefit the organization & all its stakeholders in long term.


What are your views on the Entrance Exams for Professionals courses?

Entrance Exams are obviously good & required, especially for Professional courses along with GDs & PIs as they judge one’s analytical & logical ability along with leadership qualities & various personality traits. Now, that all the entrance exams would get replaced by just two exams i.e. CAT & CMAT, the scenario would change and MBA aspirants will not have many chances but will have to prepare & give their best shots in both these exams.


How the academic program and coursework you have done benefited your career? Tell me about your proudest achievement?

I believe that more than theoretical, its application of knowledge which matters. On a lighter note, Excel & Power Point benefited me alot in my career but to be very true, it’s a mix of Finance, Marketing & HR concepts which really helped me and are still helping me. Analysis of financial statements, peer analysis from Finance, Analyzing & predicting trends from Strategy, Targeting (from STPD) for prospects from Marketing, Team skills & behavioral aspects from HR have benefited me in broader perspective. Many aspects & concepts learnt during MBA help me in my career. It really gives me a feel good factor that till now I have 11 review/research papers published in various National & International Journals and still counting & trying my best to write more.


What advice would you like to give students taking up finance?

Many a time, students think that Finance is quite difficult which is actually a myth. If your basics & concepts are clear, then nothing can stop you. I believe that it’s very important to try & apply theoretical concepts because it’s not just theory but it’s the application of theory which matters. We learn how to analyze financial statements, various ratios, valuation of stocks etc. in theory but after learning, these concepts need to be tried by taking a couple of companies, studying & analyzing their financial statements, ratios & their effect on company’s performance & then arrive at its valuation. Then, one should check whether the stock of that firm is performing on the same lines as you have predicted, if not, then why. This approach clears concepts and gives immense learning & knowledge.

Also, apart from Finance, there are many other concepts from other specialization which help in one’s career. Students sometimes feel that as they have taken finance so Marketing or HR skills will not be required. But this is actually wrong since there are many concepts which get applied and knowingly or unknowingly one has to apply these. Hence, one should not ignore concepts learnt from other specializations also. I wish All success to the students taking up finance as their specialization.


Your feedback for

I would say that is a revolutionary initiative with an amazing concept which acts as a one stop shop for BMS students from where they can get an idea as to what management education is all about along with gyaan from corporate entity to give a flavor of corporate life. This, I believe is first such website which caters to the needs of BMS students & their education.

Hats off to your efforts and all the best for your future initiatives.

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Hello Eveyone!!! Myself Shaikh Nida , Well im in Royal College pursuing for TYBMS. I would describe my self as a Self confident girl who loves to take up challenges. One of my speciality is that i can work effectively with diverse group of people. I enjoy Dancing, Photograhy and Reading Novels... "Don’t judge me by the mistakes I’ve made, but by what I’ve learned from them. "


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