Interview with Mr. Vishal Jagetia, Founder,


An Interview with Mr. Vishal Jagetia, Founder,

by Aeman Waghoo, Content Writer,


 “Be like a diamond – precious and rare,  not like a stone found everywhere.”

Whatever you do, give your best and in return, you will always get more than what you desired.


  • Tell us something about yourself.

I am an Educational Entrepreneur strongly believe in 3 D’s

a.  Dedication,

b.  Devotion

c.  Determination.

I like learning new things and wanted to help others in doing the same thus, I started the journey in 2nd year of my MBA. I belong to a middle class nuclear family but wanted to weave a Edu group in order to enhance the intellectual level of people and it resulted in AIW(Aalizwel). Along with MBA I have done Engineering from Jaipur in the Year 2010.


  • Tell us something about How were you inspired to take up this entrepreneurship, its vision & current status?

When I was doing engineering I used to search a lot for notes, reports, PPT’s and other study stuff but at majority I wasted my valuable time due to less availability of all things at ease and at one place, thus I decided to make a portal for all levels of students. Meanwhile I watched Amir Khan’s Blockbuster (3 Idiot). After watching it, I decided to name it as, but due to less availability of resources and certain, other factors the plan was put into a bag. Then I joined PGDM but a continuous thought was going in my conscious mind. Then I prepared a structured plan and planted this tree having various branches on 6th Oct’11 with a beta version of website. In addition to this, started one more program associated with it named as Campus Leader Program. I got good response from people and then I never looked back……….the journey is continuing with no full stop.



“To be the most ideal online destination for class mates, undergraduate’s commerce, engineering, and management students”.


Currently, we have more than 90+ Campus Leaders Across the country, presence in more than 80 renowned college of Engineering, Management & Undergraduate colleges of India as well as in Bangladesh.

Uniqueness of is the ideal online destination for all streams of people. We are providing users a unique unlimited experience on the web by catering to all educational stuff needs from start (study materials) to end (placement & further education) At, we have different Zones and streams. Each stream is further segregated subject wise. For example:

User can download the stuff according to his/her needs and all of this is completely FREE.

Portfolio is sharing a range of information with the hard & smart work of its members. We have following “Grow Up Once Again” factors:


  • To what extent is the name of your site inspired from the song “Aal izz well” from Aamir Khan’s blockbuster “3 Idiots”?

As the song lyrics says ‘Koi na jane aapna future kya hoga …. so siti baja ke bol Bhaiya Aalizwel’, a place where they can give direction to their future, a place where they can get everything they desired for the same. It is time for sunshine and rains without any pains. So shout loudly “Grow Up Once Again”……


  • What is your philosophy towards work?

My philosophy towards work is, always accept the unexpected things. I believe in 3D’s as mentioned before. This 3D’s has helped me in every circumstance and helped me taking worthy steps towards the goal of my life. From a Common Man to an Entrepreneur, the journey of 3D’s can change IMPOSSIBLE to I Am Possible.


  • Management is core to every individual, organization & society.” Give your views on it.

Yes, Management is Core to everyone. Right from doing household jobs to MNC’s jobs we need management. Without it, life will be like one standing in middle of ocean, water -water everywhere but not a drop to drink. We all have ample amount of opportunities but one who knows how to manage can only make perfect use of them, others will always make excuses. Also I believe that the theoretical skills sets taught in books are not the end. We need more of Personal Skills to achieve our requisite goals.


  • Name 3 qualities of prime importance that an entrepreneur should possess.

a. Passion

b. Confidence

c. Creativity


  • According to you, what are the challenges for Entrepreneurship today?

A cutthroat competition and not just becoming No. 1 but also maintaining its consistency are the major challenges one has to face. Also building a faithful and smart working team is not so easy.


  • Can Entrepreneurship be taught in B-Schools/Management Institutes/Colleges?

Entrepreneurship cannot be taught in B-Schools/Management Institutes as a core/extra or a special subject. The books and subject matter in the syllabus can guide and teach certain practical lessons but since every student is unique, the real learning is done by jumping and diving deep in reality world to derive his or her own formula of management.


  • Is the Name of the Institute from where a student pursues his/her Graduation/Post Graduation or other courses important while setting up your business?

As Shakespeare said, nothing lies in name the same way only the name of college/Institute will not give you a long lasting identity in society. If you have the capability and you are able to do the work assigned to you in the best possible way, then no one can stop you from reaching the desired goals in your life.

  •  “Earning more & more is the motive behind any business.” Is it justifiable?

Yes, earning more and more is the only motive but that is not only in terms of money. It has to be in form of Trust, Faith, and Belief of your customers, partners or employees. If your business makes money without any value creation in society then it is of no use.


  • Share with us the most enjoyable & most embarrassing moment you had experienced on work.

My most enjoyable experience on work was when we got online partnership for various Campus Festivals across the country in just two months of launching and got the appreciation from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam for my initiative in a formal meeting with him.

No embarrassing moment I experienced yet and if it happens in future, I will like to term it more as a learning experience and love to write a Book for this learning experience.


  • What message would you like to give to the budding entrepreneurs?

“Be like a diamond precious and rare not like a stone found everywhere.”

Whatever you do, give your best and in return, you will always get more than what you desired.


  • Your feedback for is a great initiative for everyone for whom it’s concerned. I wish all the very Best, and hope that more and more number of people will get benefited from this platform.



  •  History: Started on 6th October 2011 by TRENDSETTER.
  • Vision: “To be the most ideal online destination for class mates, undergraduate’s commerce, engineering, and management students”.
  • Products & Service: Study Stuff, Reports, PPT’s, Job & Internship Opportunities for all students.
  • Contact Details: [email protected],

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Aeman Waghoo


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