Interview with Mrs. Namrata Doshi, Founder, Define Architects


An Interview with Mrs. Namrata Doshi, Founder, Define Architects

by Saba Vakani, Correspondent,


  • Tell us something about yourself?

I am a person who loves designing any and everything! I am a proud woman entrepreneur and love my profession. I am someone who envisions a collaborative work environment that is driven by young ideas and cutting-edge resources.

  • Tell us something about your company?

Define Architects ( is a creative platform that believes in symbiotic relationship between technology, architecture and nature. A lot of businesses work traditionally even today, and are successful too! My experience has been that people lack awareness and experience to adapt to new methods. While most traditional methods are tried and tested and provide solutions for today, new technologies add value through unique solutions that enhance its usability and also in a lot of cases prove to be environmental friendly. This is exactly what Define Architects believes in and strives to promote through every project.

  • How were you inspired to start this venture, its vision & current status? 

My love for architecture comes from the interest in creating innovative yet feasible solutions in a three dimensional space. Ever since 2003, I have had the opportunity to design creative spaces while my time at prestigious Indian as well as International firms. My vision is to work with creative people who are willing to implement newest technologies in congruence with traditional ideas. Currently we are looking to be recognized for distinct architectural consultancy that focuses on new age designs and green design strategies.

  • What is your philosophy towards work?

Work on things you love to do the most, work while you work and play while you play. Spend a lot more time in doing things you enjoy outside of work than at work! This is important for creativity and productivity at work.

  • Is the Name of the Institute from where a student does his/her Management courses important while entering into corporate world?

Yes, and No. Yes, so that entrepreneurs can channelize their career in the right direction if they are looking to gain some work-experience in the market before starting their own venture. No, because to be amongst the top universities is not the only way people get success. It is important to have good education and good resources at hand to utilize your skill set to the fullest. So, to pick a good university is the least one can look for.

  • “Management is core to every individual, organization & society.” Give your views on it.

Without doubt!! Understanding people and processes and managing them well is a key to any successful business.

  • Name 3 qualities of prime importance that an Entrepreneur should possess. 

1.    Logical Thinking    2.    Honesty 3.    Problem solving

  • According to you, what are the challenges for Entrepreneurship today?

Biggest challenge for an entrepreneur today is the market instability and competition. There are way too many competitors in the market and lack of awareness among people makes them go for lower quality services. Good quality, great service and competitive prices can definitely help an entrepreneur be successful.

  • Can Management and Entrepreneurship be taught in B-Schools/Management Institutes/Colleges? 

B-Schools can teach concepts of management and entrepreneurship, but not how to be a good entrepreneur. Only a select few can learn to implement those concepts.

  • Do you think today’s economy is conducive for a new venture to start upon?

Absolutely, provided one is sure of what he wants, is confident and ready to work hard.

  • “Earning more & more is the motive behind any business.” Is it justifiable?

Without doubt! Earning more cannot be considered a negative motive. More business means growth, growth means need to have more resources for which one shall need more capital. Hence, for growth in business, earning more and more is always important! But one should always remember not to get carried away with short term profits and not let the money get into their heads.

  • What message would you like to give to the budding entrepreneurs?

Stay focused, believe in yourself and go out there! There is nothing one cannot do.

  • What qualities you see for apart from the required academic qualification while recruiting a person?

1.    Practical approach to things 2.    Ability to comprehend and translate tasks at hand 3.    Decision making power

  •  Your feedback for

Definitely a very good resource for young entrepreneurs.

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Vakani Saba

Aspire to become a Visionary and Motivational entrepreneur like "Steve Jobs and Anita Roddick" which will help to broaden my horizon and to achieve success in life. My strong leadership, convincing, educational and organizational skills and ability to work well with people would help me to grow the company. "An entrepreneur tends to bite off a little more than he can chew hoping he'll quickly learn how to chew it."


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