Interview with Mrs. Rupa Tembulkar, Founder, KrazyQuillers


An interview with Mrs. Rupa Tembulkar, Founder, KrazyQuillers

by Aeman Waghoo, Content Writer,


 “Do what you LOVE and MONEY, HAPPINESS, PEACE OF MIND will follow all by itself. If you run after these things individually, you may never find it.”


  • Tell us something about yourself.

Myself  “Rupa Tembulkar”, “26 yrs”. I am an ordinary house wife married to a merchant navy officer. I live in Mumbai but currently I am in U.K. with my husband accompanying him for his exams. I run my online business “KrazyQuillers” which is more of an hobby turned to business and less of a profit making affair and is doing pretty well.


  • What exactly “KrazyQuillers” is? How did it came into existence?

“KrazyQuillers” is my online business operated via Facebook. Here I deal with handmade jewelry made out of art of paper quilling. The design sold under “KrazyQuillers” are  originally made by me focusing on its durability and quality.

Well, talking  about its establishment,  I was actually gifted with a quilled earring by my small niece and I immediately fell in love with the art of rolling paper. I did a little research and started quilling myself. As time passed, I got pretty good at it and people started appreciating my work. My friends mostly bought my earrings and loved them. So I thought of putting up a shop on Facebook and it turned out to be a successful venture. I don’t really do it for the money. But, I discovered it to be a great way of spending time and interacting with people i.e. my customers and other people from quilling community.


  • What is your philosophy towards work?

All what works out to get work done from me is self-inspiration. It can also be quoted as my philosophy towards work.  My interest and dedication towards work is also something which I called as my work philosophy. Mood is something which I cannot skip. When I lack self inspiration or is not in a fine mood(upset or angry) I cannot  roll a single strip of paper.


  • What is your source of inspiration which encourages you to continue doing this work?                                                                 

1. Looking at other people’s work in the same discipline craves me to produce more and more.

2. Praises and appreciation by others acts as a major source of inspiration to continue my work and gives me a feeling which can’t be expressed.


  • “Earning more & more is the motive behind any business.” Is it justifiable?

When I talk about my “KrazyQuillers”, its less of a business to me and more of my passion. I do it out of self-interest and for self-satisfaction and not to make money. But when one speaks about appropriate business, yes it is certainly to make money. Why else would anyone build a empire!?


  • What message would you like to give to the budding entrepreneurs?

“Do what you LOVE and MONEY, HAPPINESS, PEACE OF MIND will follow all by itself. If you run after these things individually, you may never find it.”

This message is not particularly for budding entrepreneurs but every individual in general.



  • History:

Love for hand creativity, Easy and interesting work, Self-inspiration and low investment is all what formed the basis and history for starting of  KrazyQuillers.


  • Products & Service:

Each product (Jewelry) sold under KrazyQuillers store is completely handmade and is strictly made up of paper quilling material. Focus is on quality and design aspect. Each piece is one of its kind made up under strict self supervision so that no compromise is made with the quality and presentability.  The colour, pattern and special feature i.e . water resistance is something which makes it unique.

Service of KrazyQuillers is completely online via Facebook. The product is displayed on it in form of photograph from various angles and price is stated along with it. Order is received and payment is to be made  online itself and then the order is dispatched. Special orders are also received and product is made as per the instruction given.


  • Marketing Strategy:

Online Media. (


  • Existing Market Presence:

My products are delivered all across the globe since its an online business as said before.


  • Future Plans:

To make new models and develop new designs; satisfy my customers and gain satisfaction.


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Aeman Waghoo


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