Interview with Mrs. S.V Phadnis, Principal of V.K.Krishna Menon College (Bhandup East)


1)Tell us something about yourself and your college.

I have done MSC, M PHIL (Statistics) and DCM. Joined college in 1985 after completing MSC and while teaching I took DCM and MPHIL degrees.

Our V.K .Krishna Menon College is established in the year 1982, on aided basis for commerce section

Bhandup Educational society was established in 1965 with the only objective of promoting the cause of education. Late Shri V.K.Krishna Menon was the first president of the society and on his request, Government of India allowed 10000 sq yards of land for educational purpose. Society has constructed an educational complex of 80000sq feet for housing all the educational institutions from to post graduation i.e. B.Com, M.Com, BSc(chemistry), BSc(Physics), BSc(Computer Science) and
BMS(Bachelors of Management Studies).

The college is fully furnished with Air-Conditioned Auditorium, Playground of 5500sq yards adjacent to the college,  Full fledged Computer Center with 100 Computers, well equipped gymnasium, Fully Computerized library with SOUL Software and Communication Administration. Our College is permanently affiliated by NAAC.


2) What is Vision for the college?

As a matter of Principle- NO Donations are taken from K.G to P.G for admissions.

Transparency, Quality, and discipline are the hall marks of the college. During the century of Satyagraha Year our Management has introduced 20 Point Code of conduct from Life of Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda and from the holy book- Bhagwad Geeta.

We also have N.S.S (National Service Scheme) Unit which has been taking up numbers of social service projects every year.
We have set up the Centre of Gandhian Studies in our college premises.
Our college Magazine carries a message of Bhagwad Geeta every year in the form of article by Chairman Sir Advocate Shri P.A Menon. Our Students who are in difficulties approach and get guidance for the present and future from chairman sir who is well versed in face reading and palmistry since 1980.

Our motto is “From Darkness to Light” and we at V.K.Krishna Menon College try put best to achieve it. Our college is wedded to the principles prescribed in the Bhagwad Geeta, Which has been adopted by Mahatma Gandhi as his dictionary and an infallible guide to all the problems.

The remarkable feature of our college is that the college has established “Students Consumer Cooperative society” run by the students and for the students which is successfully running since 1993.

It is really a practical laboratory for commerce students which sets a good example of “learning by doing”


3)Tell us something about your College Students performance.

We have history of 100% results for SSC till date, While HSC results are around 99%. We have been getting “Best Result Trophy” for past many years from Bhandup Media Association. Our degree results are also ranging from 95% to 100%.


4) How do you Encourage students to attend lectures?

In our College, Lectures are held on everyday basis as per the schedule. We also ensure attendance is taken and display black list followed by parents meeting.


5) Today we often come across students committing suicide out of failure in relationships, depressions or tension or exams. What are your views on the subject and how should students combat stress?

The parents and teachers are the ones who are responsible for their development, i.e. they should make students understand that life is much more than exams, results and relationships.

We have adopted Bhagwad Geeta as our dictionary, as said by Lord Krishna, “We have right to do the duty but never have the right on the outcome of the same”

They should give their best to whatever they do and not to worry about the results or outcome and this itself will reduce stress. Students must be taught Yoga and Meditation and must be encouraged to practice the same regularly.


6) What advice would you like to give to BMS Students?

I would like to tell BMS students that they have an excellent course which provides them knowledge of variety of subjects, Builds their confidence, Develops presentation skills ,GD, Exposure to industries thus developing their overall personality giving them necessary inputs to create sound professional career for themselves. BMS students should make maximum out of it.


7) Your feedback for  is doing a great job as a educational website by creating a online link between 150 bms colleges in Mumbai.
The information provided by this web-portal will surely be helpful to  the entire BMS Fraternity. 

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I am Karan Mange, Assistant Manager- Social Media Initiatives at currently studying TYBMS I am fun loving, extrovert, loves too much of talking, interacting with new people, exploring new places and many more. I go mad about music, especially sufi and classical. Interested in photography, graphic designing, media and music. want to explore world and see myself in the top management of a MNC.


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