Interview with Ms. Aishwarya Goel, Founder, EmbedLearn


An Interview with Ms. Aishwarya Goel, Founder, EmbedLearn,

By Karan Mange, Correspondent,


  • Tell us something about yourself?

I am an Engineering student from Amity University pursuing Bachelors in Electronics and Communication. I always had a dream of achieving and building something great, something to be proud of. Something which you can point to and say, “Ya, I made that” kind of just like I’m doing right now.
Since the first year of my college, I wanted to be an Entrepreneur and had the strong desire and passion towards my Goal. Currently, my venture has just started but till the end of my Engineering I will take it to a level which I can feel proud of. I feel that one should keep working hard for their goal until and unless it is not achieved.


  • Tell us something about your venture?

EmbedLearn – Making things easy ( is a startup of conducting Interactive workshops and camps in various Schools from 8th class to 12th class in the field of Electronics and Robotics and guiding them to choose right career instead of just selecting any field just by the suggestions of random people. It sounds same like some other ventures but the main motive behind conducting these workshops is just for making electronics easy and students can learn the application of Physics and Maths in Practical field so that the schools and colleges can develop “curriculum and programs” making their students excel not only in academics but they can gain some practical knowledge too!


  • What inspired you to start this venture?

I am grateful to my family for supporting me at every step in my life and they never stopped me from achieving what I want. My role model Mr. Siddhant Satija, Founder of Project Agya was my biggest inspiration.

The idea of starting such company was from my experiences because there was no one who could help me out in telling me what I am going to learn in the 4 years of engineering. It was my Good luck that the stream I took just by the suggestion of some “random people” became my passion later. But I daily see so many students suffering because of improper guidance. Through my startup I aim of helping those students so that they can start working on their fields at an early stage and can show wonders later. I believe after 10 years, my company would be expanded throughout India and abroad helping students and increasing the employment ratio for the younger generation.


  • Name 3 qualities of prime importance that an entrepreneur should possess.

The Qualities which an entrepreneur should definitely possess is ‘Patience’ i.e very important as we cannot achieve anything in the first go. One should have the patience to accept the failures and to learn from it. Second thing is ‘Hard work’. If you are not hardworking you will never be able to build up those great things. It is like the fuel which every entrepreneur should possess and the Third and the most important thing is ‘Desire to do something’.


  • What message you would like to give to BMS students?

“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.”- Jordan Belfort

Have a dream and plan to make it a reality never compromise with the things you have until and unless you don’t give your best to achieve the thing you want.


  • Your feedback for

Your Portal is a treat to the management students. Wish you all luck.!

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I am Karan Mange, Assistant Manager- Social Media Initiatives at currently studying TYBMS I am fun loving, extrovert, loves too much of talking, interacting with new people, exploring new places and many more. I go mad about music, especially sufi and classical. Interested in photography, graphic designing, media and music. want to explore world and see myself in the top management of a MNC.


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