Interview with Ms. Anuradha Prabhudesai, Director, Disha Counseling Centre


An Interview with Ms. Anuradha Prabhudesai, Director & Counseling Psychologist,

Disha Counseling Centre

By Saba Vakani, Correspondent,


  • Tell us something about yourself?

I am trained in Counseling Psychology from the University of Mumbai Area of specialization: vocational guidance and career counseling. Has an experience of conducting psychometric evaluations and assessments. I had assisted in a research on competency mapping & assessment and specialize in writing articles on psychological and related issues and have written for major newspapers like the Times of India, Midday, and magazines like My Doctor, Classroom and so forth.

I was writing for the Education Times and was handling the Q and A column as well as the Coursing Along column.

Over the 13 years, I have conducted career seminars and careers talks at different avenues such as colleges, schools and corporate houses.


  • Tell us something about Disha Counseling Centre?

Disha is a centre dedicated to the mental health and vocational guidance of children, adolescents and adults since 13 years. We render a variety of services, namely aptitude testing, career guidance, psychotherapy, family counseling and so forth.

To help us in this endeavor we have a team of psychologists, counselors and remedial teachers. Our aim is to empower individuals to help themselves, as we believe that each individual is unique and has in him/her the potential to excel.

Thus our motto is: Helping you to help yourself….


  • Tell us the various career options available these days for BMS students?

Post BMS one can do a variety of things depending on one’s aptitude and interest.

MBA in Marketing/Finance/Operations/HR etc.

Also careers in Public relations, mass media, Law, Film-making, Journalism, Capital markets, CA/ CS/ ICWA, banking services, IT and so forth.


  • What kind of Job opportunities is available for BMS Graduates?

Most BMS students are absorbed as management trainees by large companies, who then groom students as their philosophy and mandate.


  • Is the Name of the Institute from where a student does his/her BMS important while entering into corporate world?

To a certain extent yes, but its also important that you build skills, get maximum exposure to the corporate world, read newspapers and understand economics. Build you portfolio is most important. You can do this by taking doing ancillary courses, workshops, learning foreign languages, doing a bit of IT training and so forth.


  • What message would you like to give to the BMS students and budding entrepreneurs?

Nothing more exciting than you own business , but  you need passion as well good planning and vision to have a start up, sustain it and make it run. It take not just money but a lot of thinking, planning and investments of various types of resources.


  • What qualities apart from the academic qualification are required while recruiting a person?

Good team skills, leadership skills, ability to be adaptable and flexible, resilience and ability to learn something new are more important than academic records.


  • Your feedback for

Great site. Keep up the good work !



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Vakani Saba

Aspire to become a Visionary and Motivational entrepreneur like "Steve Jobs and Anita Roddick" which will help to broaden my horizon and to achieve success in life. My strong leadership, convincing, educational and organizational skills and ability to work well with people would help me to grow the company. "An entrepreneur tends to bite off a little more than he can chew hoping he'll quickly learn how to chew it."


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