Interview with Nasera Shagaf Pathan, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper 2014-15, G.M. Momin Women’s College


Name – Nasera Shagaf Pathan

College Name – GM Momin Women’s college

Rank in TY Sem V :1st

GPA / Percentage: 83.7%

1) Tell us about yourself?

Ans 1: I have done my junior college in commerce faculty. The reason for joining BMS is that BMS covers a lot of practical aspects of current world and also gives practical learning through various industrial visits which will b helpful in future. My future plan is to make my professional career as C.A.
2) How does it feel to be a Topper of the college in TY Sem V exams? 

Ans 2: It feels great to be the topper of college for all the 5 semesters and especially 5th sem because it was the first university exam and this result is the fruit of my hard work which motivates me to work even better.

3) Whom will you credit your success to?
Ans 3: The credit of my success goes to my dedicated professors who have always guided me so much and are extremely co-operative as well as my supportive parents.
4) Did you start preparing from the first day of your TY Sem V?

Ans 4: Truly speaking I did not start from the first day but I made sure that I followed the instructions of my professors, attended all the lectures and gave regular class tests.
5) How did you study for Sem V?
Ans 5: I organized the subjects as per their difficulty level and I made sure that no subject is neglected. I tried to follow paper presentation techniques and used few reference books that my professors advised me for certain topics.
6) Which are the easy subjects in Sem V?

Ans 6: Just a few subjects like FM and logistics are little tricky. Rest all are fine but equal attention for all subjects is required for a good percentage.

7) Any special way of writing the answers? Do you write answers in bullet points or in paragraphs?
Ans 7:I never write my answers in paragraph form. I always use bullets even for case study. I would recommend using tabular presentations and flow charts where ever possible to make answers well presented.
8) How do you crack case studies in theory and practical subjects?
Ans 8: I begin my case study with writing facts of the case in theory subjects. If the case includes answers of some theory topic, I make sure to cover all the points.

And there is no special way required for practical subject, just step wise everything required in the answers must b written.
9) Did you draw any diagram in any paper? Is it mandatory? Does it help to get more marks?
Ans 9: Yes I drew diagrams in the paper where ever required. They are not mandatory but they help in better paper presentation and I think that they increase marks too coz they differentiate our paper from the rest.
10)Any specific study pattern adopted i.e. timetable / how many hours per subject per day etc.?
Ans 10: Practical subject like FM require regular practice. For other theory subjects I allotted time as per the requirement to understand the subject.
11) How do you fight against mood swings and distractions during exam preparation?
Ans 11: I do have a lot of mood swing during the semester but I am dedicated during my exams and I make sure that I go through all the topics in the syllabus before my paper.

12) If you are made the Vice Chancellor of Mumbai University, what changes would you like to initiate in Indian education system?
Ans 12: If I am made the vice chancellor, I will change the grade system because out of 38 subjects in the complete course, if I am getting O grade in 37 and A in just 1, my grade on degree will be A which is very unfair according to me and I will include more case studies in the paper because that is the practical implementation of knowledge gained of all subjects and that is what has to be done in the practical world after completion of studies in our career.
13) Many students prepare sincerely but constantly live under fear that they are not from big college / not from English medium and eventually lose confidence. What message would you like to these students?
Ans 13: I think that students should be confident enough about their constant preparation and I have myself seen many seniors of mine of vernacular medium getting success with flying colours. So my message to such students is just do hard work, believe in yourself and leave the rest on Almighty.
  14) Through this struggle and success, what have you learned? What is the wisdom of life and competition? 
Ans 14:  I have learnt that hard work always pays off no matter what and true competition is with yourself.

15) Your feedback for

Ans 15. keep it up!

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