Interview with Niceta Fernandes, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper 2014-15, Thakur College


GPA – 7.00

Rank – 1st

Here is an excerpt of the interview with Ms. Niceta Fernandes who scored 1st rank and GPA score 7.00 in TYBMS Sem 5 exams of November 2014.

It feels enriching to be a topper. I give credit to my parents for helping me. I always wanted to start my own business and felt that BMS gives an all around development, better than other courses. I don’t believe in studying from the first day of BMS. HRM is the easiest subject in BMS course. I usually write the answers in bullet points. I feel students should just study thoroughly 15-20 days before the exam. The changes I would like to suggest in BMS education system is introduce a system where the students gain practical as well as theoretical knowledge alongwith an up-to-date syllabus. Regarding case studies, I try to understand the case study and answer to the point. I don’t draw any diagrams in the paper. I study 1 subject a day and only for 2 hours. I ignore mood swings and distractions. I am lucky to be disciplined that way. I don’t fear as what needs to happen will always happen. Stick to your plan and make sure you know what you are doing. Always plan for the future. Be who you are, never imitate anyone but always learn from others and from your own mistakes. I plan to work for a few years and then do my MBA. I believe is helpful and gives you enough notes to understand the subject.

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