Interview with Pooja Singh, SYBMS Topper, MCC College


Name – Pooja Sanjay Singh

Currently in FY/SY/TYBMS –  TY BMS

Topped in which year / sem – SYBMS SEM III &SEM IV


Percentage of Marks: 75% in SEM III and 81% in SEM IV


First of all, A Hearty Congratulations to you on this Brilliant Success…!!

Tell us about yourself and your college:

Hi, I am Pooja Singh, I am studying in TYBMS in Mulund College of Commerce, I stay Kalyan, I love listening to good music, and I love getting acquainted with different people. I am just a happy go lucky girl!!! MCC is a great college with hard working students and excellent faculty!

How did you plan to get into BMS?

After my HSC exams, I was confused in between B.Com and BMS, everybody suggested that I should take up CA-CPT, but I really wanted to do something that was interesting, dynamic, and lively. BMS helps You to get knowledge in all the fields, literally. So I opted for BMS.

Is the BMS syllabus just what you had expected it to be?

Yes, I knew that there were more than 40 subjects,  including electives to choose from, which will help me to gain knowledge about basics in various fields of management.

Were you expecting to top in the exams? To whom would you credit this success to?

No, it came to me as a surprise, because I wasn’t that good in my FYBMS. And for the success I would like to give credit to My Mother, who kept encouraging me, even while I was suffering from Viral fever during exams, and then I would like to give credit to the great faculty of SYBMS, who are friendly, and our guiding lights, and even my friends, with whom I used to prepare notes.

Did you start preparing right from the first day of your BMS?

No.  I started my preparations only during the study leave because the schedule and curriculum of BMS hardly gives you time to prepare on a daily or even weekly basis. But one thing that really helped me, was attending lectures regularly, which helped me to strengthen the basics.

How did you allot time to different subjects? (Did you follow a self-made timetable? And how many hours did you study per day? Had you joined any coaching classes or was it just self-study?)

Yes, I followed a self- made timetable. There were no fixed hours or target per day. I did not join any coaching class in SYBMS, but I made sure that I learnt the harder topics first which helped to gain confidence as the exams came closer.

Did you participate in college fests or extra-curricular activities?(If yes, please mention the details) Do you think a BMS student can manage both studies and extra activities?

Absolutely, BMS is both about studies and extra- curricular activities.  I am the member of Student Council. I Co- hosted the fresher’s party in SYBMS, I was also the member of Organizing Committee, Then I participated in various inter college elocution and debate competitions. I won Product launch competition of both BMS and our College Fest “Spectrum”, I also stood second in elocution competition of BMS. I have won in inter college PPt making and debate competition. BMS student can manage both studies and extra activities

Today, we often come across students committing suicide out of failure, depression or tension of exams. What do you have to say about this? Did you use any special techniques for stress management?

It  is really terrible and unfortunate,   I feel sad about those students who had to succumb to the pressure. We all need moral support in some form or other, and we all go through such low times, I must say that if you are feeling low you should talk about it to someone, even BMS, my health was really bad and I was getting depressed, out of despair,  I approached Prof. Seema Ma’am, Our Coordinator, she really made me cheer up, and I have never looked behind since then, so it’s really not necessary that you should talk just to your friends or parents. But one should never give up, no matter how bad it is, because every bad phase has to pass.

One stress management technique that I can suggest is- when one is really under too much pressure, and it’s getting too hard to handle, the one should stop for a moment and do what they really love to do. It may be singing, dancing, reading some novel, or listening to your favorite song. Just relax and then get back to work with a bang.

Industrial Visits – are they really informative for bms students? Which industries have you visited?

Yes, I have visited many industries such as Mahananda Milk, Parle G, steel factories, newspaper press, Rajasthan Foot, etc. yes these are really informative and interesting. And gives an insight as to how things are really done.

Do you think a BMS student is more flooded with assignments, projects and internal exams?

Definitely Yes!!!

Do you like being busy with projects, presentations, assignments and internal exams? Or you would like to be enjoying out with friends all that time instead?

Yes, I like learning new things and then presentations really helps to boost your confidence, internals help you in revision. Sometimes I wish we had longer semesters in BMS so enjoying with friends would be much more easier.

What changes would you like to bring in management education in India?

I would really like that internships are made compulsory in BMS, during the course, and even in other management courses, so that its practical, and the concepts learnt can be applied practically. It would give students a more hands-on experience with management.

What message would you like to give to the coming batches of BMS students?

IT will help you if You Pay attention in every lecture, because it helps in exams, and give your best to everything because it will definitely help you to gain knowledge and build a great career in future. BMS helps you to be an all-rounder and build confidence.

What are your future plans?

I am looking forward to college placements as of now.

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Great website which brings the whole community together. Very informative and helpful.


­- Interviewed by:

Sahil Jaria,

[Content Writer,]

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Ojas Barve

A professional in the education industry, Ojas is currently working with S P Jain School of Global Management (the global arm of S P Jain Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai) as Program Manager for all the under-graduate as well as post-graduate programs whereby he plays a significant role in planning the schedules of the programs across global campuses located in Dubai, Singapore and Sydney. He also plays a role as Academic Mentor for guiding the MGB (MBA) students in their internship/projects. In the year 2014, 12 students successfully completed their projects under his guidance. Former Professor at MT Educare, Ojas has trained the students from commerce and management streams. He has gained exposure to the print media industry, while he completed his internship assignment with SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce in their in-house publication, SIES Skyline as their 'Editor-in-Chief' He has worked with BMS.CO.IN at internship position as 'Campus Representative' for three months after which he was extracted in the team as 'Chief Correspondent-Social Media'. He gained hands-on experience in the field of Social Media and E-Commerce, then. He started his career in teaching at Aadeshwar Academy, Borivali where he trained the school-level students in the French language. He was also associated with Dnyana Prakash Classes, Dadar for two academic years where taught subjects of Organisation of Commerce and Management to Class-12 students. Academically, he's a graduate in management studies in distinction class with a strong flair towards languages. He is pursuing his Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management and Masters in Commerce with Business Management elective. He has completed his A-1 level certification in French Language from L' Alliance Francaise de Bombay. Also, he is a Certified Professional Introductory Counselor from SIES Institute of Comprehensive Education and holds a certification in Capital Markets from Inter-connected Stock Exchange of India Ltd.


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