Interview with Prasuna K., BMS Coordinator, NCRD’s Sterling College


An Interview with Prasuna K., BMS Coordinator, NCRD’s Sterling College of Arts, Commerce and Science



  • Tell us something about yourself and your college.

I am the Coordinator for BMS at NCRD’s Sterling College of arts, commerce & science, Nerul, Navi Mumbai. I am basically from Hyderabad. I did my MBA-HRM & M.Com from Osmania University, Hyderabad. After which I have gained around 3 years of Industry experience by working as HR-trainee at LIC Housing finance ltd and ICICI bank. Then after getting married I moved to Mumbai and Chose Teaching as profession.

NCRD’S Sterling College of arts, commerce & science is an educational institute set up by NCRD (National centre for rural development) which is a social organization with an aim to provide qualitative education to all classes of the society. It’s been two decades that NCRD has been initiated with the primary aim of providing education to everyone as it is the basic tool for the upliftment of the society. The focus of NCRD is to provide a platform even to rural masses of the society in the field of management by focusing on overall personality development. I have joined this college in 2011. The guidance by our Principal Ms.Jayashree Daoo is an inspiration to all the faculty and students not only to perform well in academics but also conduct various extra-curricular activities which are equally important for students as well as for the growth of an educational institute.


  • When did you join this profession? What inspired you to choose this line?

I joined this profession in 2004.Teaching has always been my passion and of course the  zeal and enthusiasm is always alive as it helps to be in touch with today’s enthusiastic and energy driven youngsters.


  • As a Coordinator, do you also teach any subjects? If yes, which subjects you teach?

Apart from my core area which is Human resource management and Marketing I teach many subjects like Foundation of human skills, Export import procedures, Cooperatives & Rural marketing and Service sector management.


  • How are the roles and responsibilities of a Coordinator different from that of a faculty? Do you like being a Faculty or a Coordinator? Which helps you to connect more with students?

Definitely the responsibilities as a coordinator are much hectic as all the activities of the department right from taking care of admissions, coordinating with the entire subject faculty, conducting regular guest lectures, activities to students, examinations, counseling, interacting with parents and much more has to be handled. I like to be a faculty as it will give more time to focus on developments in my core area. Being a coordinator helps to connect more with students.


  • Who in your life has influenced the most?

Both my parents are an inspiration. Through my mother I have learned the importance of patience and My dad is a regular source of inspiration to me. He is always encouraging and gave apt guidance throughout my education. The Principles, ethics and mannerisms imparted by them regularly are life time lessons to me even now.


  • Tell us something about your college fests/events and extra-curricular activities? Do you believe that it should be made compulsory for students to manage both studies and be a part of college fests/events?

Regularly  events in the college are celebrated by the college with great enthusiasm by the  students with their active participation .There are various committees like Career guidance, Discipline committee, student council, artist club, green brigade, NSS & women development cell through which various events are organized throughout the academic year. Regular personality development workshops are conducted as apart from good academics a dynamic personality is equally important for students in today’s competitive world. Subject experts are invited on a regular basis to guide the students. Our annual magazine “YUVA” gives an opportunity for our students and faculty to express and present their views on different topics though their creative writing.


  • Tell us something about your college students’ performances? Does your college provide any placement assistance to BMS students? 

The students are very enthusiastic and their performance is above average not only in academics but in various extracurricular and co-curricular activities. Career guidance and Placement committee conducts regular seminars and guides students about various career options which they can pursue simultaneously or after graduation. Summer Internship options are also given to the students.


  • What are the prospects after BMS?

After BMS the students can pursue higher education in management in India as well as abroad. Students are also eligible to apply for entry level jobs in the field of management such as financial consultants, marketing executives, HR-trainees or management-trainees. I would advise the students to definitely pursue their Master’s degree in Management as a PG degree will anytime give them an edge over others.


  • What message would you like to give to BMS students?

I would like to advise the students to develop a professional attitude as management education is different from other courses. Apart from performing well in academics developing a good personality is equally important. Sincere efforts will definitely be rewarding. Good communication skills are also equally important. They have to keep themselves updated about the latest developments in the industry through regular reading habits.


  • Your suggestions/feedback for        

I would like to appreciate for acting as a platform for all the faculty and students of various institutes of BMS to integrate and express our views. It will definitely help the teaching fraternity to know and coordinate with each other to know the latest events and developments of all colleges. It is very informative even from the students’ point of view as it is guiding them with latest solved question papers of all subjects. Since it is an online magazine it is anytime convenient to access any information and updates with regards to BMS.


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