Interview with Priyanka Jogle, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper 2013-14, Sydenham College


Percentage –73%

How does it feel to be a Topper in the university exams? Whom will you credit your success to? What was your success mantra?

It feels great to be a topper. All credit goes to my professors for teaching so well my friends and my parents for encouraging me always. My success mantra was “STUDY SMART “, not just spent hours mugging up everything instead study little but see to it that the little which you study is sufficient, important and thoroughly done.

Did you prepare any timetable and please share your study strategy/exam tips to crack each subject of sem 5?

Frankly, I didn’t go for any sort of timetable, i used to pick up both theory and practical subject on one day, like morning i used to do a practical subject like FM/SSF and evening time any theory subjects, it helped to keep my mind diverting and so i didn’t got bored to study a single subject.

Do you think BMS student require coaching classes or is self-study enough? Had you joined any coaching class for a particular subject?

No not really, there’s no need of a coaching class if you attend all the lectures in your college. I didn’t join any classes but if you are not attending then surely join some good coaching class especially for practical subjects.

What was your specialization subject? Why did you opt for it?

I opted for special studies in finance as i prefer solving sums than theory.

Can you list the textbooks you referred for all subjects?

Vipul Prakashan for all subjects.

Which was your worst paper? Why? Which was your best paper? Why?

There was no worst paper and the best one was special studies in finance.

Today, we often come across students committing suicide out of failure, depression or tension of exams. What do you have to say about this? Did you use any special techniques for stress management?

Suicide is the action of losers, cowards. Never quit and keep on doing hardwork. It will never get waste. Everybody faces stress but only the strong one’s knows to deal with it, so always keep your determination strong it will help you to cope up with stress.

The Black Book project contributing a significant part to the percentage, please share the experiences you had during the preparation of the project and how has it benefited you.

Yes blackbook has a very important contribution, don’t ignore it, work hard on that too. My experience was superb, I did my best and worked dedicatedly on my topic and my internal and external vivas added a good conduct to my marks.

Did you pursue any additional courses/ internships alongside BMS? What are your future plans?

No internships, future plans are doing MBA in finance.

Any tips and advises for your juniors?

Work hard, study hard but study smart. All the best guys 🙂

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Aishwarya Mehta
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