Interview with Priyanka Kishor Narkhede, TYBMS Topper 2013, Pragati College


Myself Priyanka Narkhede, believe in enjoying every precious moment of life given by the God…. and like to chilling out with friends and family at priority………….!!!!!!!!!!

Aggregate %- 75.25%

Project Grade- O grade

Electives chosen in Sem 6 –Investment Analysis And Portfolio Management.

Did you take Coaching? If yes, which classes?

Yes for practical subjects… class- ACHIEVERS ACADEMY, Dombivili.

Extracurricular activities/Hobbies/Achievements-

Have Participated In college activities such as N.S.S., inter-collegiate fest, and many college events, Etc……

Fondly known as (name) in the college group – Piya…….

Ambition in life-Want to be a successful person by fulfilling my Parents Dreams…… and continuing Higher Education!!!!

Most memorable moment in BMS- When i received award for being topper in college in Sem V By BMS.Co.In…. Thanks A Lot!!!!!!!!!!!:-)

Funniest thing you did in the BMS course – Bunking Lectures and Spending time in college campus with my friends…….

Define BMS in 1 line – A course which provides basic knowledge about Management Education.



1) Which factors were considered in mind while selecting the Sem 6 Electives/Optional subjects?

Rather than preferring theoretical subjects, basic aim was to gain practical knowledge which will help me for my Higher Education and also to score Good marks…….


2) Did you use for your exam preparation? Which sections of helped you?

Yes,  It helped me for my last minute revision for each subject……


3) How do you feel to be a consistent topper in both Sem 5 and Sem 6 exams?

It feels great to be a topper of the college as well as to top in Dombivli. First thing I never get bored with my studies and have really enjoyed it. My family members, teachers and my friends motivated me to work hard and achieve this Success……


4) Behind one topper are many people who stood by him/her during those uncertain times when he/she was merely an ‘aspirant’. Would you like to tell the world, who were those people in your case? Any specific incidence that you would like to share with the readers?

Yes, I would like to give this credit of success to  my Parents &  professors of both college as well as of classes & my friends, they always motivated me and encouraged to do the best and Last but not the least my God!!!!!


5) What is your message to the aspirants?

Study your subjects like you are having fun with your friends and this will not make you feel bored!!!!!!


6) What was your study plan?

To revise each and every topic regularly and having discussion with friends on it…..

I prepared my own notes of each subject and studied it regularly with help of my teachers and friends.



7) Marks of every subject

EM- 69






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