Interview with Priyanka Sanjay Jain, BMS Class Representative, M.K. Sanghvi College



1) College days are unforgettable and infact they are the most happy days of every student’s life. As a BMS CR, what are your favorite BMS / college life memories?
The question about favorite memory is a very vague one to which I can find no answers. Each and every day when I go to the college I experience the thrill of learning as if I was picking up small pebbles from the vast ocean of knowledge. The journey to this knowledge has been ably shown by the faculty of BMS with the support of my colleagues. Besides the fresher’s, traditional day, DJ parties, a very important educational tour taken by us was an industrial visit to Agra and Nainital during which I was very fortunate to visit the iconic heritage of the British era which is now the pride of 125 million Indians and that is the Rashtrapati Bhavan. I was over awed by the grandeur and the beauty of the Rashtrapati Bhavan. It was the proudest day of my life when I had the honour of visiting the residence of the first citizen of India.

2) What do you mean by leadership? Tell us about a time / describe a situation when you have proved you have better leadership skills.
Leadership is not about giving commands and expecting others to follow. It is a highly responsible quality which a person acquires with lots of experience, patience, ability to hear, analyze situation, understand the pros and cons of the situation and present the best solution. The coordination of various resources and implementation is the core of leadership qualities. A leader in any situation has to have the trust of his/her colleagues.
An incident which I would like to share happened around 2 months back when I was going with my friends for an errand and suddenly a dumper crashed into a motorcycle in front of my eyes sandwiching the motor cyclist against the wall. The onlookers were reluctant to help fearing police enquiries. I along with my friends took the initiative to take out the motor cyclist arranging first aid, ambulance and also calling the police. I was greatly satisfied when the doctor appreciated my efforts and said,” the motor cyclist was got just in time to be saved”. This quick thinking on my behalf and the cooperation of my friends we were able to save a life.
3) What are your future plans/ career goals / aim in life?
I would like to complete my graduation with flying colors giving equal importance to extracurricular activities and social obligations. I would like to purse higher studies and specialize in the field of finance and marketing as I find that in this globalised world marketing is a very important tool to enhance business. After gaining an experience with a company which enhances my skill I would like to start a venture of my own with like minded colleagues.

4) What quality do you like the most about yourself and why?
It is very naive to judge oneself. Judgment about one’s personality becomes a blessing when appreciated by others. I always like to take everybody on board and try to convince them about my ideas, plans and strategies. Being a good listener I take everyone’s views as well as criticism in my stride. I do not hesitate to delegate a task to anybody capable of achieving the goal. Guidance given by elders and faculty members is a vital key to success. The vast experience which they have gained over the years is passed on us giving scope for further improvement. This inherit quality has been imbibed in me by my parents which I cherish a lot.
5) Being a young leader, what message would you like to youngsters / juniors / BMS students?
Live life today. Each and every second should be accounted for. The time which has gone will never come back. Give your best shot to each moment. BMS is a power house and an art of managing things which starts from oneself and filters down to other areas of business. The skill acquired in this course is required by not only a small entrepreneur but all the big business houses. In this globalised world nobody can undermine the importance of this course.


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