Interview with Prof. Mona Bhatia, BMS Co-ordinator, Nagindas Khandwala College


An interview with Prof. Mona Bhatia, BMS Co-ordinator of

Nagindas Khandwala College



To win in life, we need to first win in our minds and to win in the mind we must first win with ourselves. So if you get an opportunity, don’t miss it. We must keep questioning the unquestionable, that’s the true identity for a BMS student.


  • Tell us something about yourself

Teaching has been a passion for me and I am glad to be in this profession. I like innovating with the methods of teaching and strongly believe that everyone has the right attitude, you just need to capture and mould it.


  • Tell us something about your college

Our college offers courses from K.G. to PHD. It excels not only in academics but also in extra-curricular activities. The atmosphere in the institute is very congenial not only between the faculties but also between faculties and students. In a nut shell, everyone associated with the institute finds it a soul connecting experience.


  • When did you join this profession? What inspired you to choose this line?

It has been 12 years since I have been in this profession. The freedom that teaching offers you inspired me to join this profession. You can paint on the canvas of education all the colors of life.


  • As a Coordinator, do you also teach any subjects?

Recently, I have been promoted to the post of Vice Principal, Yes I teach various subjects.


  • If yes, which subjects you teach and which you love the most?

For BMS I, III and IV Semester- Principles of Management, Marketing Management, H.R.M.

For BMS II, IV and VI Semester- Business environment, Research Methods in Business, International Marketing and Retail Management.                                                                                                                                                 

I enjoy teaching Marketing Management, Principles of Management and Retail Management.


  • How are the roles and responsibilities of a Coordinator different from that of a faculty?

The role of a faculty is limited to teaching in the class whereas the role of a coordinator is teaching in class and beyond.

The Coordinator has to look after all the administrative work connected with the course.


  • Do you like being a Faculty or a Coordinator? Which helps you to connect more with students?

Each role has its advantages and disadvantages. Connecting with the students depends on the overall personality of the students and not the role you play.


  • Who in your life has influenced you the most?

My father has influenced me the most because he was very keen on me getting excellent education and insured that I achieved it. I gave 100 interviews for my admission for MBA as the GD and interview process were decentralized during my time. He made sure that he accompanied and as well as encouraged me through the process.


  • What should BMS/Management education mean to a student?

BMS Management should mean the following for a student:

Experiencing the inexperienced.

Trying the untried

Learning to unlearn

Making impossible, possible

And a never say die attitude.


  • Tell us something about your college fests/events and extra-curricular activities?

We have an intercollegiate seminar KIRAN and an intercollegiate festival MIRAGE for the BMS Section. Our intercollegiate seminar KIRAN has grown by leaps and bounds. MIRAGE provides an excellent platform for students to learn through practice.


  • Do you believe that it should be made compulsory for students to manage both studies and be a part of college fests/events?

Absolutely. ‘You gotta have stars in your eyes before you reach for them in the sky’.

Academics teaches theoretical value whereas Fest/Events impart practical learning. Participating in extracurricular activities helps you capture the stars.


  • Tell us something about your college students’ performances?

Students from our college have excelled in academics and extra-curricular activities. The alumini are very well placed in the corporate world. This motivates the present students to excel in their careers.


  • What are your future plans for the college?

NKBMS should be the best college not only in the suburbs but in the entire city of Mumbai. It should live up to its motto of ‘Education and Beyond’


  • As a person, what is your mission/aim in life?

My mission and aim in life is to ensure that students get excellent education which enhances their chances of employability. Further to create responsible citizens for our mother land.


  • Does your college provide any placement assistance to BMS students?

Yes, our College is among the very few colleges that provide placement assistance.


  • What are the prospects after BMS?

After BMS, students can pursue further education or they have enough skills to start an entrepreneurial venture of their own.


  • What message would you like to give to BMS students?

To win in life, we need to first win in our minds and to win in the mind we must first win with ourselves. So if you get an opportunity, don’t miss it. We must keep questioning the unquestionable, that’s the true identity for a BMS student.


Keep up the good work!! Don’t compromise on quality. All the best for your future endeavors.


Thank you so much for giving us your valuable time. I’m sure reading this interview would be a great help and inspiration for the students.

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