Interview with Prof. Mrunalini M. Ravalekar, BMS Faculty, K.P.B.Hinduja College of Commerce



Name – Mrunalini M. Ravalekar

College Name – K.P.B.Hinduja College of Commerce

Course Name – BMS



Tell us something about yourself

Working as Assist.  Prof. at K.P.B.Hinduja College since last 5 years, mentoring economics,  I believe I’m pragmatic, resilient, perceptive, one with positive attitude, with leadership attitude, generous, love to explore my skills and knowledge and passionate for teaching.

Tell us something about your college.

The college which started with a single commerce course today offers 25 courses from the Higher Secondary up to the Doctorate level and includes both Commerce, Science and Arts streams. College trust this year has completed 100 years.

When did you join the teaching profession? What inspired you to choose this line?

My Passion towards teaching was generated by observing my teachers, Prof, my guide who generated interest in learning and thinking analytically which helped in knowledge building process with specialization in ECONOMICS.

Which subjects do you teach? What do you love most?

I teach Economics.

I love Economics, Marketing Research, Human Rights, and Foundation Course.


What is your teaching philosophy?

I View Myself As A Facilitator Of Learning Process.


There is a shortage of eminent professors at bachelors’ level management. With more and more institutes joining the professional courses bandwagon, do you think professional / self-financing courses will become yet another Bcom?

Yup. Gone are the days surviving only with the traditional courses in academic field, as globalization has enriched and created the need for the further professional and market and industry-based courses. I feel there is no end for the advancement of even self- financing courses, time will decide their mortality.


Today, we often come across students committing suicide out of failure, depression or tension of exams. What do you have to say about this?

Students need to realize that examinations are just the tentative pressure which can be solved by planning and creating the positive atmosphere of the examination by treating mistakes as opportunities,” DON’T GIVE LIFE FOR EXAMINATION, RATHER MAKE LIFE OUT OF EXAMINATIONS.” Failure, mistakes, fear are the part and parcel of the examination circle, rather treat it as the ladder to reach the success, but don’t allow them to overtake you.


A famous quote says “A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others”. What would you like to say on this?

So true, teachers, academicians light the candle of advancement of knowledge.


Who would you call as the best student so far in your memory?

Names are endless. At the end of academic year, teachers are filled with the memories of both good as well as notorious students. But I believe that best student should possess qualities like- consistently pursuing best grades, participative in college campus activity, innovative actions, powerful spokesperson, awareness, promoting college mission and vision, leadership, respects his parents, grand-parents, faculties, friends, relatives and other cultures, alert, motivated by extra-learning, generosity…


One touching incident that happened with you in your teaching career?

There are few incidences which have touched my heart while teaching LD, partially handicapped students, which have compelled me to redesign my teaching style.


What message would you like to give to the young students?

Need to emphasize on thinking logically, analytically application-based, generate passion for learning rather than just memorization of the facts. Treat mistakes as the opportunities which should act as the ladder to generate new abilities. Help for the upliftment of those who are academically poor.


Thanks on behalf of the readers, we wish you the best for all your future endeavors.

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