Interview with Prof. Seema Prabhakar Sawant




Name-  Prof. Seema Prabhakar Sawant

College- Presently Cosmopolitan’s Valia C.L.College of Commerce, B.Sc.(I.T.) & B.M.S.


  • Tell us something about yourself-

My 18 years experience in Corporate Sector helps me in framing my nature which can be used for teaching. then I joined teaching profession with University of Mumbai. I was BMS coordinator in Shri Chinai College of commerce & Economics previously.


  • Tell us something about your college-

Our college is trying to provide value based quality education and training in an environment conducive to intellectual, Social and Cultural enrichment so as to mould responsible citizens with a harmonious blend of Indian traditions & modern technology for a better tomorrow.


  • When did you join the teaching profession? What inspired you to choose this line?

I joined this profession accidentally, in 2004 before that I was in Corporate Sector.


  • Which subjects do you teach? What do you love most?

I am teaching HRM, IMTP, Service Sector Mngt., Special Study in Marketing, International Marketing, Production Mngt. & Materials Mngt. Productivity & Quality Mngt., EXIM, Marketing Mngt. Strategic Mngt., Bus. Aspects in Banking & Insurance, Management Accounting, Business Communication, Industrial Law POM, Financial Accounting in BMS & even HRM  & Marketing in Banking in BBI, Global Capital Markets in BFM, Financial Accounting- II for BAF etc..

I like  to teach IMTP, HRM, Production Mngt. & Materials Mngt. & Financial Accounting most.


  • What is your teaching philosophy?

“A flame of today is the Sun of Tomorrow”  is my teaching philosophy.


  • Do you believe in teaching should be full of ideas rather than stuffed with facts?

I believe that, teaching should be  full of Innovations, new ideas, Research & Inspirations.


  • Can a student from Arts/science background also do BMS?

Yes, they can do BMS as management studies form part of all fields and so for this field, there is no stream restriction.


  • As a BMS faculty, what kind of projects do you expect bms students to work upon?

The projects on current affairs & issues, mainly related to the Industry where they can gain knowledge which they can utilize in their future career & on general topics where they can gain knowledge which can be used in their own life and for the society.


  • Do you think a BMS Student should participate in College fests and Industrial Visits? Why?

Yes,  BMS student should participate in College fests and Industrial Visits, as they get practical experience and also helps in developing team spirit, team work and event management.


  • People say BMS is 70 % of first year MBA. After BMS, is work experience important for MBA?

Not exactly 70% but BMS students have basic knowledge about the many subjects of the first year MBA as they have already done in BMS.
Yes, after BMS work experience is important for MBA.


  • There is a shortage of eminent professors at bachelors’ level management. With more and more institutes joining the professional courses bandwagon, do you think BMS will become yet another Bcom?

No & Never. After all, BMS is a professional management course.


  • What should BMS education mean to a student?

By doing BMS education means to develop your overall skills. A student groom itself with the help of professors. It brings out creativity and hidden talents of the students.


  • Do you think the course curriculum is at par with industry expectations?

There are always chances for the better improvements.


  • Today, we often come across students committing suicide out of failure, depression or tension of exams. What do you have to say about this?

Everybody, i.e. teachers, parents, society and the student itself are responsible for this situation but as a teacher it’s our duty to boost their moral so that they are able to face any situation in their life.


  • Who in your life has most influenced you?                  

Saint Dyaneshwar Maharaj,  Saint Meerabai, Swami Vivekanand,  Shivaji Maharaj.


  • What are your professional/career goals?

To be a best teacher….

Learning process never ends!!!


  • Do alumni come back and tell you about life after bms? 

Yes, Of course. They are always in touch.


  • A famous quote says “A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others”. What would you like to say on this?

Teacher is a person, who always helps everybody to get the knowledge and always stands beside the students when they have problems.


  • Who would you call as the best student so far in your memory?

Mr. Yogin Vora


  • One touching incident that happened with you in your teaching career?

A subject ranker in 2011 for IMTP subject in University of Mumbai. Student got 92 marks.


  • What suggestions would you like to give to Mumbai University for amendments in the BMS course?

Syllabus should be updated  every 3 years and it should be industry oriented.


  • What message would you like to give to the bms students?

The longer you have to wait for something, the more you will appreciate it, when it finally arrives …….

The harder you have to fight for something, the more priceless it will become, once you achieve it …….

And the more pain you have to endure on your journey, the sweeter the arrival at your destination …..

All good things  are worth waiting for & worth fighting for ……..!!!

Be a good Learner ……… Always !!!


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