Interview with Prof. Shilpa Jaiprakash More, Faculty (BAF, BBI, BMS, BFM), Jai Hind College


Name – Ms. Shilpa Jaiprakash More

College Name – Jai Hind College

Course Name – BAF / BBI / BMS / BFM


Tell us something about yourself

I have done Masters in Economics from University of Mumbai with Econometrics as a specialization.

Tell us something about your college

Jai Hind College is well-known for its cleanliness, better infrastructure facility, encouraging students not only to improve in their academics also to participate in extra-curricular activities through festivals. The festival gives them an opportunity of experiential learning.

When did you join the teaching profession? What inspired you to choose this line?

I started my career in 2006.

Which subjects do you teach? What do you love most?

Subjects I have been teaching for past 7 years are Business Maths & Stats, Econometrics, and Economics & Research Methods.

teaching philosophy

What is your teaching philosophy?

To help students understand actual applications of concepts taught in the class.

There is a shortage of eminent professors at bachelors’ level management. With more and more institutes joining the professional courses bandwagon, do you think professional / self-financing courses will become yet another Bcom?


Today, we often come across students committing suicide out of failure, depression or tension of exams. What do you have to say about this?

There needs to be proper mentoring facility provided by every subject teacher to the students so that they can discuss their problems which they cannot disclose during the lecture.

A famous quote says “A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others”. What would you like to say on this?

Definitely agree with this but due to the constraints like space, syllabus completion during given time slot, large number of students etc. it becomes very difficult to spend equivalent time for everyone.

Who would you call as the best student so far in your memory?

The one who attends regularly both mentally and physically and knows how to apply their class room knowledge with real world situations.

One touching incident that happened with you in your teaching career?

No such incidence yet.

Thanks on behalf of the readers, we wish you the best for all your future endeavors.

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Vanita Godwani
Hello, Vanita Godwani, a fybms student of Jaihind College, hobbies are drawing and helping needy people.I loved being a social media correspondent at .I am interested in pursuing by post graduation and later work in a multinational company being a honest and good high post official


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