Interview with Prof. Shital Mody, BMS Co-ordinator, K.P.B. Hinduja College


An interview with Prof. Shital Mody, BMS Co-ordinator of

K.P.B. Hinduja College


Being management students you are required to bear a major responsibility of exhibiting proper management in every field of your life.



  • Tell us something about yourself ?

I have completed my M.Com., M.Phil., MBA., and aspire to bring every kind  of changes in management and students’ lives.


  • Tell us something about your college? 

My college name is K.P.B. Hinduja college of Commerce, a prestigious college ranked FIRST among Commerce colleges in Mumbai.


  • Being a coordinator, do you also teach any subjects?

Yes I do.


  • When did you join this profession of teaching and training?

I am in this profession from the last five years.


  • And now as a Coordinator how are the responsibilities different from that of a Teacher?

The only difference is we are answerable for most of the department activities.


  • How has been your career graph over the years and change in role at different levels?

The career graph over the years has been quiet a roller-coaster ride. The roles played by me are making me grow each minute.


  • What are your future plans for the college?

I want that my college brings out the best students with brain and heart.


  • What are the extracurricular activities in your college?

There is N.S.S., N.C.C., Students’ Council, Blood Donation drive, NSS Camp at rural places.


  • Tell us something about the college festivals and your students’ performances?

We  had  three  years back  a college festival named “ Aiyana”, but due to some reasons, it has not happened since then. Our college students are fabulous and have always come out with flying colours.


  • How has the mindset of the students changed over the years in respect of their career and their values of discipline and culture?

The values, culture and an outlook towards career has undergone a sea change, with new avenues of career coming up, the students have a spectrum of careers and jobs. The values and culture somewhere is getting loop-sided.


  • And as a person what is your mission, long-term objective or goal?

To provide substantial education to people. Let me make it clear, Education here not only means academic but in every sense.


  • Is there any placement assistance that the college provides after students graduate from your college?

Yes. We do have our Placement Committee, and many students are placed through it.


  • And if a student has failed to secure admission into your college by say 2 or 3 marks, and then is there any other way that he can get in or any quota?

This is completely the Management’s decision.


  • What are the prospects after BMS?

Prospects are never defined, they are decided individually.


  • What message would you like to give BMS Students?

The message I would like to give is “Being management students you are required to bear a major responsibility of exhibiting proper management in every field of your life”.


Thank you so much for giving us your valuable time. I’m sure reading this interview would be a great help and inspiration for the students.

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Faisal Taibani
Faisal Taibani - Campus Representative, K.P.B.Hinduja College of Commerce. [email protected]


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