Interview with Prof. Tasneem Mushrif, BMS Co-ordinator, Rajiv Gandhi College


An interview with Prof. Tasneem Mushrif, BMS Co-ordinator, Rajiv Gandhi College

by Rohit Jain, Content Writer,


Name:  Tasneem Mushrif

College: Rajiv Gandhi College of Arts, Commerce and Science


Tell us something about yourself.

I have done my M.Phil in Indian English literature and I’m currently pursuing PhD in French, British and English literature.


Tell us something about your college.

I joined as a Co-ordinator in the year 2011-2012. The entire faculty of our college is very kind to the students and provide a favourable environment to students so that they can excel in studies.  Teachers act as tutor, friend and philosopher to the students. We work in co-operation with each other and don’t have any prejudices for anyone.  There are no internal conflicts between the faculty members and the students. Our trustee is very kind and gives concession to students for fees and many more such facilities.


When did you join this profession? Who inspired you to choose this line?

I joined this profession in the year 2001. My parents are in this profession. Now they have retired. They are my biggest inspiration to join this profession.  My mother guides the students in their PhD. My parents are called as guest lecturers in many colleges. Everything I’m the credit goes to my parents.


As a Co-ordinator do you even teach any subject? If yes then which subject and what subjects do you love teaching?

I teach many subjects such as Business Communication, Public relations, Indian management thoughts and practices.


How are the roles and responsibilities of a Co-ordinator different from that of a faculty? Do you like being a Faculty or a Co-ordinator? Which helps you to connect more with students?

The responsibilities of the co-ordinator and faculty are more the less same though some adjustments have to be made. A co-ordinator is like the head of a family. He tries his best to solve every problem of the students and provide them with a conducive environment. Faculty members in turn assist the co-ordinator in fulfilling this objective.


Who in your life has influenced you the most?

My parents have influenced me the most. Apart from, them it is my tutor, Mr Chopdar Sir. He recognized the talent in me and motivated me to become a lecturer. He has even encouraged me to write novels.


What should BMS/Management education mean to students?

The most important lesson that students can learn from Management studies is to manage their time in the most fruitful manner. They must concentrate on their studies and also serve the society. They should strive to strike a balance between their mission in life and humanitarian work.


Tell us something about your college festival and extra-curricular activities?

The name of our college festival is Gandharva. We motivate the students to perform in each and every event conducted in our college fest. Students need to be provided equal opportunities to showcase their talent and build it.


Do you believe that it should be made compulsory for students to manage both studies and be a part of festivals?

Yes, Participating in college festivals should be made compulsory for every student as I believe this is how they can encourage the talent within them.


Tell us something about your college student’s performance?

Our students have a record in performing exceptionally well in academics and they even participate in extra-curricular activities like singing, dancing and are very creative in whichever field they participate.


What are future plans for the college?

I have previously worked in I.C.L Motilal Jhunjhunwala’s College. I took their festival ‘Bhoomika’ from national level to international level. I have the same intentions with this college. I want to take our college’s festival to international level.


As a person, what is your mission in life?

My mission in life is to impart knowledge to as many students as possible.


Does your college provide any placement assistance to BMS students?

Yes many companies recruit students from our college.


What are the prospects after BMS?

Students should peruse higher education with part time jobs. They should apply the “learn and earn” policy. Students should work and study so that they can manage their expenses on their own. They should work with reputed companies and choose a field in which they are really interested in.


What message would you like to give to the BMS students?

Manage yourself and your life very well as you can be the creator and the destroyer of your own destiny.


Your feedback/Suggestions for

The suggestion I would like to give to is that you should try and bring all the BMS colleges in Mumbai together and help students and guide them in whatever way possible. You should help conduct many seminars for colleges and try and provide students with valuable information regarding anything they require.

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