Name – Vikram Shrotri
College – Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan’s Hazarimal Somani College, Chowpatty
Tell us something about yourself
I’m basically an engineer and was in engineering industry for 10 years. Then I completed my MMS from University of Pune & I completed my M.Phil in Management in 2005. I’ve been in industry as an engineer for 10 years & after that I started with teaching as my profession from last 9 years.
When did you join this profession? What inspired you to choose this field?
Actually my father & my grandfather both were teachers & many of my family members belong to teaching profession. Even though in the initial period I worked as an engineer in a manufacturing firm, I thought working in service sector would be more beneficial.
As a Coordinator, do you also teach any subjects? If yes, which subjects you teach and
which you love the most?
I teach many subjects like Logistics, Service sector management, Productivity & Quality Management, Strategic Management, Production & Materials Management & Operational Research, Indian Management thought & practices and many. My favourite is Operational Research and Indian Management thought & practices.
How are the roles and responsibilities of a Coordinator different from that of a
faculty? Do you like being a Faculty or a Coordinator? Which helps you to connect more with students?
Basically a BMS coordinator has to motivate the visiting faculties, students & he has to basically balance between principal & management. See basically what happens the role of visiting faculty or that of a full time faculty is limited but a BMS coordinator has a chance to spend more time with students, mentoring them as & when required not only in academics but also in motivating students in their overall development & also to take part in inter-collegiate events. I like being both- Faculty as well as Coordinator as I’m a coordinator at Bhavan’s College & I’m a faculty in other colleges. Through my subjects & other co-curricular activities I connect with the students.
Who in your life has influenced the most?
Shri. Sadguru Ram Krishna Maharaj from Ahmednagar has influenced me the most.
What should BMS/Management education mean to a student?
It is basically not only studying theoretical subject but also experiencing the subject practically because they are given various projects where they have to visit various industries where they get first hand information.
Tell us something about your college fests/events and extra-curicular activities?
We have ‘Communique’ which is a inter-collegiate seminar/workshop only for BMS students.
Do you believe that it should be made compulsory for students to manage both
studies and be a part of college fests/events?
Yes, I believe that it should be made compulsory for students to manage both
studies and be a part of college fests/events.
Tell us something about your college students’ performances?
College students’ performances are progressing day by day i.e. in academics as well as extra-curricular activities.
As a person, what is your mission/aim in life?
My mission in life is Salvation.
Does your college provide any placement assistance to BMS students?
Yes, we have placements in college. We have companies such as Google, Reliance etc.
What are the prospects after BMS?
There is wide range for students.
What message would you like to give to BMS students?
Frankly speaking, I would like to say that ‘Do Hard work, Don’t go for Shortcut, there is no substitute for hard work.’
~ Aashiya Khan                                                                              Â
Campus Representative