Interview with Purna Siddharth, Best BMS Class Representative, SIES College Sion West



Q. 1) 5 Interesting Facts About YOU:

1) Achievements / Skills / Knowledge (Academics & Extra-curricular):

I have been bought up in a surrounding where I could follow my dreams without being questioned. At a very early age I was into various types of extra curricular activities from dance classes, drawing classes to squash and badminton coaching. And over the years I figured out that I was inclined towards being a sportsperson and a versatile dancer. I started my sports carrier by playing at District and State levels (DSO & MSSA) and there after started playing various competitive sports, which included volley ball, squash, badminton and swimming. When I entered the badminton team thanks to the almighty, I started to get recognition and had a number of interviews and shoots that were then published in the Times Of India and a few other leading newspapers.


2) What is your aim / philosophy of life?  

Life is not a journey to the grave with the intension of ending in a pretty preserved body, but rather to fall, fight back and loudly proclaim “WOW! What a ride!” I believe in being true to myself and getting the best out of me. As I move ahead I life, I believe that family is the only gift that I would cherish life long and that family will always stand by me at all times. My aim in life is to spread smiles and a positive vibe wherever I go and to help the less fortunate in every possible way I can. My motto is to overcome all fears, learn to let go of things that are not in our hands and most important is to forget the past and  treat it is as a closed chapter in your life and always look forward towards a brighter tomorrow.


3) What are your future plans after BMS?

I come from a family where our family business has been taken over by generations, I too have a strong desire to continue the tradition. I being the first woman to take over the tradition would proudly want to take this business where my ancestors never thought it could reach. To  work hard in this printing and manufacturing unit and bring about a huge change in the whole printing technology and become a successful entrepreneur making my well wishers proud and showing the world that woman power can do wonders.


4) What are your hobbies / likes?

I feel hobbies help shape your personality. I love to venture out and experience every possible thing I can under the sun. I love dancing I feel that’s one thing that makes me a better person, there’s no better feeling than dancing to a piece of music. Coupled with it, I believe in socializing and meeting people having various agendas in life and who come from different countries and cities which would help me get to know their language and culture. This can proudly make me say I have friends waiting to talk to me across the globe. I have a strong connection with adventure activities and have a dream to perform all the possible activities within my reach. And yes my likes could never end without mentioning my love for food.  My strong desire is to travel the world.


5) Any dislikes?

I am not very fond of people who just sit down complaining rather than getting up and making a difference. I dislike people who are negative and are always spreading nothing but negativity.



Q.2) 5 Fantastic Facts About Your BMS Life:

1) Positive / Negative things about your college?

Well about my college whatever I mention is less. This college has given me a lot of values and help me become a more disciplined person. All tbhis wouldn’t have been possible without the love and affection of our principle DR.Harsha Mehta. I personally feel she is lady who has really influenced my life in many ways. Be it our college festival, academics or the Bombay Times fresh face she has always stood by the students and always let us enjoy our college days to the fullest. The wonderful teaching staff and all the helpers related to this institution have always welcomed the students with smiles on their faces. I would love to talk about the Institutional Service Responsibility (ISR) along with the Rotaract Club of our college which have adopted villages around Karjat and striving to bring a change in the life of those rural individuals and spreading awareness about their lifestyle and problems in the urban areas and trying to improve their living. My college is very strict about attendance which I feel is a good thing because it brings about discipline in the students and the College does not take donation which is the best decision as we students concur with our Principal who says we have earned the seat and not just bought it.


2) Positive / Negative things about your BMS course?

This department and the individuals connected to this department  like our very own HOD. Prof.Anita Agrawal and the faculties and administrative staff played an important role in the 3 years of my life. We have a very personal interaction with all the professors and they never hesitate to help us out. Our Vice Principle Prof. George Abraham is a very strong pillar for us. He sees to it hat he comes and addresses the class and asks us about our problems and areas of improvement.  Having such great faculty makes a difference as we students can freely talk to them. Our HOD keeps regular seminars and guest lectures which help us shape ourselves in to bright future managers. The Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) is a very good initiative for us BMS students as it molds us into better managers at a very early stage and teaches us how we can start a business and achieve success.


3) How has BMS course helped you to develop your personality? / What did you learn from BMS?

This course has made me a better person. I can very confidently talk in front of a crowd, put down my view points in public and bring about a change. It has made me more systematic and disciplined. I can today speak up for what is is right and wrong.


4) What are the changes you want to bring in the BMS course?

I feel the syllabus must be changed from now and then. The main subjects must be given more importance and should be taught more in depth. The test books could be more attractive. The 200 marks project that we have could be divided and separated because I feel that not all the students from my class can cope up since we have students coming from all types of background. People from vernacular mediums and partially blind students may have problems coping with the vast  project that’s given to us in the third year.


5) Share your favorite BMS / college memories?

My favorite college and BMS memories are the days when we work towards putting up our college and department fest, Visions & Utkarsha. The unity among the students is so much that all the work is done rapidly and in a systematic manner. The best memories I will cherish  life long is the industrial visits our  department arranges for us.


Q.3) What are the thoughts / advices / tips you would like to give to today’s youngsters? 

Instead of going out in life with no direction, take advice from those who are much older to you. Though older people seem to have  little or nothing in common with the younger generation, I take every opportunity to learn from their experiences and also to emulate the corrective measures they took to overcome hurdles in life.


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