Interview with Rahul Soni, Founder, Innowia Solutions



Always have a positive attitude in life as it is the attitude which makes the difference in the end. Be a good leader instead of being just a good manager. Always focus on growth of the people who work with you and delegate responsibilities to your subordinates. Improve your soft skills which will help you in every part of your career.

  • Tell us something about yourself?

I am currently studying in the final year of BMS and also plan to do an MBA after my BMS.

I am also running my startup called Innowia Solutions which is into Social Media Marketing & Search Engine Optimization.

I come from a small town called Jabalpur and came to Mumbai in the year 1998 after leaving my studies in between as I needed to support my family. I joined my uncle’s jewelry manufacturing business as a trainee and worked there for more than 9 years working in various departments and learning the ropes of business.

The turning point of my career was when my Uncle gave the keys of the business to his sons who joined the business after completing their education with very less experience then mine.

With not much funds left with me to start a highly capital intensive jewelry business I decided to use those funds to educate myself and transform my life.

Though this was a setback for me, to start my education where I left after 10 years and reinvent the wheel again but I did it, with full conviction, dedication and support from my family. So I completed my Class XIIth exams and then joined BMS course to get a different view of business, which is more sophisticated, more structured and more liberal.

I already had a keen inclination towards computers, searching new things, interacting with people online, writing my own blogs so I decided to take my hobby to the next level and turn it into my profession in the year 2008.


  • Tell us something about your company?

We are an end to end digital marketing start up, we specialize in SEO, Social Media Marketing, Managing blogs, campaign’s and online campaign’s for your company.

Innowia Solutions is a company which aims to be the biggest digital media solutions company in the India in the next 5 years with service offerings catering to each and every section of the society, making them use digital media in one form or the other by educating them , providing them with business solutions and implementing them.


  • According to you, what is management all about?

Management according to me is about how well you can manage your resources so that the resources are utilized in an optimum manner.


  • What is your philosophy towards work?

My philosophy towards work is “Winner’s Never Quit & Quitter’s Never Win”. This philosophy has given me the strength to fight out all the odds and be a winner in life.


  • Tell us about the most fun you have had on the job?

The most fun thing I had experienced during the job was when one of my clients’s asked me about my qualification and I told him on his face that I am a final year student of BMS at the age of 29 years. He could not believe that such a turnaround was possible and saluted my never say die spirit.


  • Describe the change in the management situation you have experienced till date?

The management scenario has changed considerably; today is the age of instant gratification. People today spent more hours online then doing any other activity. Internet is something which is now part of even common man’s life. My current profession is something takes care of all these aspects and hence I feel it has tremendous potential for growth in India and across the world.


  • “Earning more and more” is the motive behind doing BMS? Is it justifiable?

I joined BMS because I wanted to learn the finer aspects of doing business and improve on my soft skills such as presentation skills, language skills, interaction skills etc. I never had the motive of using BMS as a stepping stone to earn more money. I always feel if you do a quality job and put your best then money follows as it is a byproduct.

Today’s youngsters follow a herd mentality and join Management courses just to move to a white collar job and earn more money. This is certainly not justifiable.


  • Do you think the BMS course curriculum is at par with industry expectations? What suggestions would you like to give to enhance BMS?

The course is not completely at par with Industry expectations as it gives much more importance to theoretical work rather than practical work. To enhance BMS course, more emphasis should be given to case studies, presentations related to on field job, more industry visits, and more interaction with direct customers etc, making it much more practical in nature than theoretical.


  • Is the Name of the Institute from where a student does his/her BMS important while entering into corporate world?

No, it does not matter, the thing that matters is your ability to learn things quickly and deploy those skills at work. The BMS institute provides a platform to enhance your confidence, your written communication skills & your presentation skills which can make a difference in the corporate world.


  • Where do BMS students lag behind today?

The BMS students lag behind is their practical approach to do things. They might have brilliant theoretical ideas but they lack the knowledge of knowing those little practical difficulties and those little solutions to those little problems. If we introduce more subjects to test the practical implementation of certain ideas then they will know where to fill the gap.


  • What message would you like to give to the students aspiring to work at management level?

Always have a positive attitude in life as it is the attitude which makes the difference in the end. Be a good leader instead of being just a good manager. Always focus on growth of the people who work with you and delegate responsibilities to your subordinates. Improve your soft skills which will help you in every part of your career.


  • If you are hiring a person for a job, what would you look for?

Attitude, written & oral communication, presentation skills, learning desire, ability to bounce back.


  • What do Corporate expect from BMS students/graduates?

To contribute to their organization’s success and have a positive attitude, with proper soft skills and ability to bounce back in difficult situations.


  • What message would you give to a student aspiring for BMS?

While pursuing BMS try to implement things that you have learnt in your daily life as this is most practical learning you can ever get. is a much better site than its peers, as it not only provides valuable suggestion, study materials but it also bridges the gap between students. I love this site and I always recommend this to all my friends. So keep doing the great work.

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  1. A soldier’s salute to his captain.The starting point of all achievement is desire.
    When your desires are strong enough, you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve.
    It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from. The ability to triumph begins with you. Always.

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