Interview with Raksha Bharat Datkhile, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper 2014-15, S.I.W.S. College



Name – Raksha Bharat Datkhile

College Name – S.I.W.S College

Course Name – BMS

Rank in TY Sem V :1st

GPA / Percentage:7.0 /77.28%


1) Tell us about yourself?

I am from commerce background. Basically i joined B.M.S because i am from middle class family & not from business background. I want to be professional to work in corporate world to introduce myself in this dream world!! And I plan to pursue my MBA after Bms.

2) How does it feel to be a Topper of the college in TY Semester V exams? 

I did Hard work, But this was surprise for me, I give my 100% But not expected good marks, and I feel Marvelous..!

3) Whom will you credit your success to? 

I’ll credit my success to my parents, For their constant support & specially my college Prof. Dr. P.G.Gopalkrishnan, Vice-Principle…Mrs. Shailaja Ravindranathan, (B.M.S )Cordinater Prof.Vinod Naik, (B.B.I )Cordinator Dr.Veena Prasad, Afterwards Navigator tutorials.& last but not least my all colleague..!

4) Did you start preparing from the first day of your TY Semester V? 

No, before 15 days of examination i start my 5th sem study. In that 15 Days I Manage my studies in the correct manner..!

5) How did you study for Sem V? 

There was theory subject and practical subject. I start my theory subject before 15 days of examination but practical subject I was practicing daily for 1 hour.

From my point of view I will advice that practical subject every student has to do daily for an hour.

6) Which are the easy subjects in Sem V?

‘Business Ethics’ & ‘Service Sector Management’ was my favorite subject of sem 5th Because, it was easy to understand and in practical ‘Financial Management ‘ is one of the best subject for me..

7) Any special way of writing the answers?
I have no any special way of writing, I Encourage my writing skills from my previous class..!

I write particular question answers by giving

  1.      Introduction
  2.      Meaning
  3.      Diagram
  4.      Explanation
  1.        Conclusion

And I write my Answer in bullet point. Underlining the head points is very crucial and writing it to the point. Time management is necessary for completing the paper. It is not important to write answers big but you should attempt every question with the right answers..!

8) How do you crack case studies in theory and practical subjects?

Knowing concepts is very important which helps in dealing with case studies…Case studies require analytical skills. Once you have understood what the case is then you can relate to the subject and write your answer.

9) Did you draw any diagram in any paper? Is it mandatory? Does it help to get more marks?

YES, I do presentation to look paper good, and definitely draw diagram wherever necessary, to make answers Big, attractive, and also mainly to explain answer more systematically…!

10)Any specific study pattern adopted i.e. timetable / how many hours per subject per day etc.?

No everything I did at the last moments!

11) How do you fight against mood swings and distractions during exam preparation?

I used to lock myself into washroom when relatives arrives When I get boredom I just take a round of my floor, While feeling sleepy I start doing practical subject..

12) If you are made the Vice Chancellor of Mumbai University, what changes would you like to initiate in Indian education system?

If i would have been a Vice Chancellor of Mumbai University, I would have change following things:-

  • Project should be given grade and not marks because, of which percentage of a some student goes down..
  • SGPA system should be banned as student scoring good marks not getting good grade percentage is 80% but grade is ‘A’ particular subject is given their respective grade is good but overall grading system is not good… Final grade should be given on aggregate total..
  • Scaling down method is must.

13) Many students prepare sincerely but constantly live under fear that they are not from big college / not from English medium and eventually lose confidence. What message would you like to these students?

‘There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve, the fear of failure’

YES, many students are there who are from vernacular medium,

EVEN I M SAME, who get hard to understand English because, of this reason we lose confidence we think, we don’t knows anything…we have answers and ideas in mind but fear to not knowing the language we shut off our mouth in front of whole class, It is not necessary to speak in English…u just share what comes idea in your mind…!!

14) Through this struggle and success, what have you learned? What is the wisdom of life and competition? 

“I’m not in competition with anybody but myself. My goal is to beat my last performance.”

– Celine Dion

COMPETITION IS THE ORIGIN OF JEALOUSLY BETWEEN GOOD FRIENDS you, SHOULD Always compare your marks with your previous score and not with other students score. You do your best comparing ourselves with others always demotivate us.  And also creates jealously in friendship, I always compare my current performance with my previous performance and not with others performance..!


15) Your feedback for

B.M.S is the most popular website for the management students. I got many information from this site since I am in third year regarding subjects of B.M.S timetable of university examinations result date etc..

IF it is B.M.S it is….


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