Interview with Rameez Ishaq Wangde, SYBMS CR, K.P.B Hinduja College



Name – Rameez Ishaq Wangde

College Name –  K.P.B Hinduja college

Course Name – BMS  

Which year – SY


Tell us about yourself?

Well umm.. My name is Rameez I was born and raised in Saudi Arabia, in an Indian school.

Studying till Twelfth in CBSE, I always wanted to pursue BMS due to my interests in Management, so I applied in a few colleges and was able to secure admission in Hinduja 


How does it feel to be the Class Representative of the class?

Leaders like  Alexander, Napoleon, Winston Churchill, etc. inspire me to assume leadership plus I really wanted to know how it’s really like to assume responsibility as it shall guide me  in the future INSHA ALLAH

I have been CR since 3rd sem i.e. the beginning of S.Y.


What do you mean by leadership? Tell us about a time / describe a situation when you have proved you have better leadership skills.

Leadership is the ability how to lead a particular set of group towards a particular goal just like how Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) led his people out of pharaoh’s wrath out of Egypt to Israel, Mahatma Gandhi leading Indian people to freedom.

Once there was a scheduled lecture of 3:30 -4:30, but due to some reason students mass bunked the lecture, I remained and negotiated with the teacher, I also talked with my fellow classmates into apologizing to her, it resulted in letting off students with a warning.


What are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader?

Fulfilling the basic duties, tasks, and having an honest approach while performing it.


Does a leader need to be motivated? How can leaders maintain themselves to stay motivated?

A leader can remain one as long as his people support him/her, support is the most motivating factor, and every leader ought to have support which assists to remain motivated.


What is the most difficult part of being a leader?

Mistake, errors, as it has deep impact on the followers.


What is your greatest strength and weakness as a leader?

I am honest and incorruptible, I have no weakness.


According to you, what is BMS all about?

It’s about adopting a logical, sound mindset, behavior to become a respectable member of the society apart from gaining knowledge in a course degree.


As a student, what changes would you like to bring in Indian education system?

Well  although our education system strengthens our base, there are a few loopholes in it, our system pressurizes students, I would love if pressure would be reduced, India has different boards in different states having different difficulty level, it would be way better if India educates under one board i.e. CBSE.

A two year BMS / BAF / BBI / BFM / BMM / BBA program and two months Compulsory Internship would help students as MBA is very pressurizing and requires hard work.


What would you advice someone planning to do BMS?

Do what interests you.


Through this struggle and success, what have you learned? What is the wisdom of life and competition? What is your message to the upcoming BMS students?

I have learned about the importance of responsibility, wisdom lies in how you utilize your life for the betterment of the society, competition exists in today’s prosperous life, you can’t avoid it, and you can overcome it, if you have a leverage over it. 

Just try to understand the concept of all subjects, attend regular lectures, then you need not study, if someone is just doing for the sake of  securing degree, give open exam for


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