Interview with Richa Shah, TYBMS Topper 2013, Thakur College


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Every morning I look in the mirror, I don’t see the face of a girl who is studious and whose sole aim in life was to top college. I see someone who is determined, someone who is willing to try and experiment, someone who doesn’t mind getting up again after falling down. Yes, that’s me.

On a lighter note, Complete foodie. Movie buff. Replete with a hint of narcissism.

Even though I wasn’t expecting to top, I was still expecting good grades.

Also, I’d credit this success to my parents for being so understanding and for supplementing my blood with caffeine during late night study hours.
I’d also give credit to my friends. We studied together and teaching and learning from each other and all those small anecdotes helped me recollect answers during exams.

I have realised that the key to success has no connection to the number of hours one studies. It all boils down to productivity. Einstein would have been able to achieve what I did by studying for 10 minutes a day. (Probably because he didnt use whatsapp). What is important is the level of concentration which you can devote to whatever subject you study. The higher the concentration, the easier it gets.

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