Interview with Riddhi Thakur, BMS Class Representative, D.G. Ruparel College 2014



1) College days are unforgettable and infact they are the most happy days of every student’s life. As a BMS CR, what are your favorite BMS / college life memories?

College days are unforgettable and they are the most happy days of every student and infact I would like to share some of the wonderful experiences as well as memories of college life. After school life, we enter the college life which provides us a great platform to pursue our talent. No, it’s not like that when in school you cannot but after completing your school life, you are very much about to mature to distinguish between good and bad things. College is a place where we have endless memories to remember and smile at. Being in Ruparel is in itself a big honor as we all know Ruparel is a very reputed college. I am in this college since my FYJC and it’s always pleasure to be a Ruparel student. Making new friends, keeping good relations with teachers and taking active parts in all the activities are memorable moments. It’s only 4-5 months since I have entered into BMS and I enjoy this college life a lot. I loved the staff and I have promised myself to take active part in all the competitions. We stood 2nd in Debate competition and even on the occasion of Felicitation ceremony, I was honored to host the show and present the BMS records of past students. All these memories are unforgettable and as a CR, I feel it’s my responsibility to make my friends and classmates to actively participate the way I do.



2) What do you mean by leadership? Tell us about a time / describe a situation when you have proved you have better leadership skills.

Yes, according to me, leadership plays an important role in every field and organization until and unless there is no proper guidance, things cannot work out. A leader is a person who guides, motivates people to do things in an appropriate manner. Whenever a person is been chosen to become a leader, many kinds of responsibilities lies in their hands and the person must be capable to tackle the situation with great ease. I was chosen to become a CR and I felt really proud and happy. It was a memorable moment for me but at the same time many responsibilities lies in my hands. A leader should also be loved and liked by all or else people cannot be motivated. I remember at times when there is submission of any assignment or any project report on the given date but unfortunately it is not possible for all to submit on the same time. The class students expected me to interact with teachers and postpone the date and when I did the same, the whole class appreciated me. Whenever an extra lecture is introduced and no one knows about it, I had called up and messaged everyone and it helped everyone to know the news and they attended the lecture which was important. This quality of mine was also liked by all. According to me, LEADERS are born and not made.



3) What are your future plans / career goals / aim in life?

After getting through BMS, the first thing that comes into my mind is to become a better person. Yes, I have some of my future plans which are to visit Paris and Brazil, then I want to roam whole world, do parasailing, paragliding etc. because life is too short and there is no time to leave important things undone. Yes, I also wish to do IAS as my dad is an IAS officer. I adore him apart from that I will like to do MBA in Marketing.



4) What quality do you like the most about yourself and why?

First I will like to say that every person must love oneself because if you like yourself then the world will like you. Yes now about describing myself, I will like to say that I am a person who is fun-loving and enjoying. I am very helpful, sporty, kind. I am beautiful and I love the way I am and I think that you should never change yourself for others because we should make our identity that people should adore you and accept the way you are.



5) Being a young leader, what message would you like to youngsters / juniors / BMS students?

Being a leader, I would like to say just be yourself and be within, no need to go in any kind of things which you are not comfortable. Just do what you feel is right and do participate in co-curricular activities which will make your college proud and well-known.

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