Interview with Ruchita Mahesh Rajani, Best BMS Class Representative, MMK College



5 interesting things about yourself. 

I am a optimist person, love making new friends, most notorious among all my friends, a chilled-out person and I love myself.

  • Achievements : I am the class representative for the past 3 years. I have secured excellence certificate in French by the French Embassy. I have completed  British council (English language)  verbal as well as written course successfully. I am currently teaching the underprivileged girls of St, Annes school  (greatest achievement ever I have come across).
  • Skills/Knowledge :  I am a good speaker, bold enough to tackle a situation, well versed with current affair’s, an optimistic person and have complete knowledge about Tally.
  • Aim in life : My philosophy in life is very simple “live and let live”. I am not a kind of person who really bothers about what others think about me except my family. I have always followed principles set by my mom. She is my role model in life. I believe in “give respect take respect “. My aim is to be a better person in future as compared to what I am today.
  • Future plans : I have  crystal clear plans for my future, I want to settle abroad and Want to pursue M.Sc in Human Resource  and also interested in pursuing diploma in philosophy.
  • Hobbies : My very first hobby is loving Sharukh khan hahaha lol 🙂 🙂 😉 , Like listening soft music, Hanging around  with my near and dear ones,  Reading love stories and also comics, Cooking  is  what I am looking forward to :p hopefully I succeed in it :p
  • Dislikes : I dislike people who are mean, two faced humans are scary even than the wild animal. I hate when women of the society are still addressed as weaker section of the society.

5 fantastic things about your bms life.

Bms is full of fun enthusiasm, amazing experience. It gives you a different prestige when you proudly share with your friends that  you are a “BMSITE”

  • Positive and negative things about your college. – My college is a place where I can spend hours and hours. We have a fantastic collection of books in our library. I am a part of MMK college since my junior college I am currently feeling too low to be apart from a place that was a part of my life for 5 years I have great memories in this college with amazing friends and faculty ofcourse negative thing about my college is that it doesn’t have  in H.R :p  I would have pursued the same from MMK ;). On a very serious note my college does not have a proper campus. Other than  that no offense I am proud to be “MMKITE”
  • Positive and negative things about BMS course. – Bms offers you to explore opportunities available. It builds your presentation skills,  helps you become an extrovert. Negative things are there are still some loop holes in the course like the specialization has to be for a year and not mere 6 months.
  • How has bms course helped you to develop your personality – Bms has helped me find new friends. It has build confidence. It has made me a extrovert person. I am now well versed  with how to be an efficient  manager  in future. It has build my conversation skills. Tackling your last minute hassle at work is what I have learnt.
  • Changes you would like to make in the course – The major change in the course that has to come is the change in the  attitude of  people governing this course. They have to seriously take some initiative regarding the hassle created every year during bms exams or paper corrections after all a students life is at stake.
  • Your fav bms / college memories : Too many memories  to recollect. From last minute project discussion, minute fights, extreme love, friendship, hangout with my awesome 5 (my friend’s) to all the respect and love for college and faculty I have to give special thanks to all the people whom I came across in this blissful journey of BMS.

3 amazing tips to youngsters/juniors?

  • Juniors live each and every moment of your  college days
  • They will never every come back 🙁 🙁
  • Fights arguments are a part and parcel of life be optimistic and take every problem as an opportunity towards success.

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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