Interview with S.K. Malini, TYBMS Topper 2013, G.N. Khalsa College


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Project Grade–  O

Electives chosen in Sem 6 – Investment analysis and portfolio management

Did you take Coaching? If yes, which classes? NO COACHING

Fondly known as (name) in the college group – Malu (the laughter queen)

Ambition in life– To become a professional

Most memorable moment in BMS– 

When I topped in semester 5. I really didn’t expect. It was a surprise for me. I ll always cherish all my memories spent with my friends in the I.V.

Funniest thing you did in the BMS course –

I have done a lot of stupid and funny things in my 3yrs. Cannot pen down some because there are hell lot.

Define BMS in 1 line –

BMS is such a course that MAKES YOU A ALL ROUNDER of all subjects.


1) Which factors were considered in mind while selecting the Sem 6 Electives/Optional subjects?

In sem 5 I had taken finance and saw my results were real good and it was much more scoring than marketing. That’s the reason I choose to take IAPM in sem6.


2) Did you use for your exam preparation? Which sections of helped you?

Yes I took the help of your website and it really helped me to study the important questions thoroughly 


3) How do you feel to be a consistent topper in both Sem 5 and Sem 6 exams?

Yes absolutely,  I had also been diverted at one point of time but I had managed to go according to my time table and get all the things done as scheduled.

 If you once decide something in your life you have to finish it hook n crook. That’s my policy.


4) Behind one topper are many people who stood by him/her during those uncertain times when he/she was merely an ‘aspirant’. Would you like to tell the world, who were those people in your case? Any specific incidence that you would like to share with the readers?

There are many people who supported me in my success story. I would like to thank my wonderful faculties of my college to give me support and academic base to strengthen my knowledge and my parents to support me emotionally and the main guide and philosopher of my life “My Sister” who was the backbone of my success. A special thanks to my best friends too.


5) What is your message to the aspirants?

Success depends on you and your hard work. So never take things lightly.


6) What was your study plan?

I tried to finish my theory subjects by reading them as normal books. If you doing this then you have to write down the important points. Then only you can remember them at the exam time. As far subjects like operation research, international finance and IAPM our professors used to make us solve every sum in the class. So I used to just revise and solve it once home. MAKE A FORMULAE sheet. It will really help you during your exam time.


7) Marks of every subject

Entrepreneurship management – 72

Operation research – 78

International finance – 80

IMTP – 82


IAPM – 9 1


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