Interview with Shahrukh Yakub Sayyed, BMS Class Representative, V.K.K. Menon College



1) 1 Best Achievement / Skills About You:

I have participated in many cricket matches conducted at college and inter-collegiate level and also won few of them.


2) What is your aim/philosophy of life?

I want to be a successful person and want to explore more opportunities in life.


3) What are your future plans after BMS?

I have planned for MBA and that’s why I opted for BMS.


4) What are your hobbies/ likes?

My hobbies are playing cricket and reading books.


5) Any dislikes?

I don’t like to give up without trying to solve the problems.


6) Positive/negative things about your college?

The way of teaching of every BMS faculty is very good in our college. It is very easy and simple to understand.


7) Positive/negative things about your BMS course?

BMS course is very good for those who are doing MBA. It solves many problems of MBA students.

Negative thing is BMS course is very costly as compared to B.Com.


8) How has BMS course helped you to develop your personality/ What did you learn from BMS?

In many ways, BMS has helped me to develop my personality. It helps me to improve my communication skills and because of BMS I have learned to convince a lot of people.


9) What are the changes you what to bring in the BMS course?

According to me, Powerpoint presentations should be used while teaching the course as it is very easy to understand in point-format.


10) Share your favourite BMS / college memories.

My favorite BMS memories was Industrial Visit where I have good memories with my teachers and my friends.


11) What are your thoughts/ advices/tips you would like to give to today’s youngsters?

I just want to say to the youngsters that Do Hardwork and be well prepared for the examination.


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