Interview with Shritika Vardhan, SYBMS CR, Pillai’s College



Q – Tell us about yourself?
1. Well.. I’m a very happy going person I believe in actions more than words. I belong from a very broad minded family where there is a belief that exposure is the most essential part of life. Being a girl, I have hardly faced any restrictions and I’m allowed to do whatever my heart says and my parents are very supportive regarding this.
I have selected this course to know more about management field and improve my managerial skills..


Q – How does it feels to be a class representative of the class ? 
2. I am the CR of my class from the beginning of my second year.. It feels really amazing to be a CR and it makes me feel more responsible and develop the communication and managerial skills.
Q -What do you mean by leadership? Tell us about a time / describe a situation when you have proved your better leadership skills.

3. There  is a very well saying that ” leadership is the capacity to translate the vision into reality “. The leader should always motivate, encourage and try helping the people to do better and uplift their performance.
There are many situations where I got the chance to show my leadership quality. For being a leader it’s very necessary to be innovative and come out with different ideas.


Q-  What are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader?.
4..The most important value which demonstrate me as a leader is just be yourself …. and never try to be like someone.


Q – Does a leader need to be motivated?  How can a leader maintain themselves to stay motivated? 
5. Yes. Of course it’s very important for a leader to be motivated all the time… The most important thing which leader should do is adapt the necessary change and know what is being required for the improvement of the things.


Q – What is the most difficult part of being a leader? 
6. Yes leaders do face many problems. . Because it’s very difficult to handle human beings correctly and make the work done from them with the co-ordination.
Q – What is your greatest strength and the weakness as a leader? 
7. My strength and weaknesses are the same that I’m really a very  soft hearted person.
Q – According to you , what is BMS all about?
8. BMS is all about developing your managerial skills and a course which can lead us to become good managers.
Q – As a student,  what changes would you like to bring in Indian education system?
9. I want students should know more about the practical world rather than just mugging up the things and studying just to become great.
Q-  What would you advice someone planning for BMS ?
10.Never take the things lightly, try to understand the concept. … and don’t ever mug up the things.
Q – Through this struggle and success,  what you have learned?  What is the wisdom of life and competition what is your message for BMS students  ?
11. I just want all the upcoming students to just enjoy this 3 years and make it a wonderful memory. Just be yourself in life and never try to be like someone else.. you are special and a important person. Never ever underestimate yourself …. and never compromise on studies…
Q – your feedback for
12. This is the best way to get in touch with the students. And to get their views.

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Christy Nadar


  1. Dear Shritika Ji…
    Saadar Pranaam

    Apka pravachan meri zindigi me nya ujala laya hai…
    pehle mai bahut udas rehta tha, ab aapka lekh padhne ke baad meri duniya badal gai.Meri bhi ichcha hai ki mai bhi aapke jaise achchi selfie kheechoon.. So wish me luck
    Lakkhan Kumar Tiwari

  2. Miss Shritss…

    If i am not wrong, ur the same person who was awarded gold medal by president of India DR P Pratibha Patil for incredible work on social service for poor children, old and deprived in rural areas. I have also read ur thesis on women empowerment, it was really credible.

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