Interview with Shubham Vashist and Gaurav Mishra, Founder,

  • Tell us something about yourself ?
We are students of  2nd year, pursuing B.A LLB (Hons) at  National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam. Gaurav Mishra hails from Lucknow (U.P)  and Shubham Vashist from Palampur (H.P) .We have also been an active blogger for a few websites and blogs.
  • Tell us something about your business. is  a website  for students all over India . It is a platform for each and every  individual to express his/her inner desire in a creative form, if one has any unique concept which is a bonafide piece of work we are highly entertained to publish his/her write-ups in our website. The site is mixed blend for all streams of students where one gets all the elements in a student’s life.
One of the unique feature of our site is “LIVEWIRE ” and “U-think”. To an extent we have tried to bring down all the features a student need. From Call of paper , conferences, seminar and other social gatherings. It is a platform to evolve all youngster’s interest for  poetry,short stories , photography and others. So, to the common understanding we are not restricting ourself to a particular boundary but, our view is to flow with our viewers and explore along side with them.
We invite every reader who wants to be part of this trip and you can keep updated to our Facebook page
  • What is your philosophy towards work?
As such there is no philosophy, it’s just if you have a passion for something and you start acting in it the things turns to your way. The same was for us. There are so many opportunities and so many things that one can do! So, we started off with our own interest. First it is important to decide what you want to do and why? This seems relatively simple at the first level of education. When we started there was no road map,  what we had was an idea, but we think that it works like that.You have to jump into the water to learn how to swim. So it was a positive “work hard” philosophy in our case.
  • Whom do you admire as your role model? And why?
 Well we admire People who Think out of the box and implement it in  practice.
  • “Management is core to every individual, organization & society.” Give your views on it.
 Yes, management indeed is very important for success of any organisation or individual.   You have to have the right people in an around yourself who believe in you and in your mission.
  • Name 3 qualities of prime importance that a businessman should possess.
 1. Just don’t listen to those who say, ‘Nahin Ho sakta hai’.
2. If you feel strong about something, Just do it –that’s my advice .
3. Listen to every person in your company/team, no matter what his qualification may be.
  • According to you, what are the challenges for Entrepreneurship today?
 Entrepreneurship is a lot about making a leap of faith, feelings, personality  about something and to sustain it with passion and belief .
  • Can Entrepreneurship be taught in B-Schools/Management Institutes/Colleges?
 No, Entrepreneurship is not a course that can be planted in the  heads. It comes with with learning . We think for anyone who has a business idea is to go for it without thinking twice.
  • Is the Name of the Institute from where a student pursues his/her Graduation/Post Graduation or other courses important while setting up your business?
 A premier institute is like a brand to your collar. It helps in formation of networking and better connection with our institutes and it help you to stand in a better place.
  • “Earning more & more is the motive behind any business.” Is it justifiable?
 Profit is important –but merely as  a measure . It tells us that everything is working fine
  • Share with us the most enjoyable moment you had experienced at work?
 It is a very short span to describe the most enjoyable movement. We enjoy every moment while working, and the experience we all get here at We are in a learning process and we love the fact that it is meaningful self chosen path which is acting as a resourceful means for our users. And the kind of response we are getting is enjoyable. 
 First of all we thank for the opportunity to be interviewed. BMS is a great platform for the premier content for and about entrepreneurs. It engages and inspires young budding entrepreneurs to resource that fuel the bold and independent way and make entrepreneurs think in an inspiring way .
History- 2013
Vision/Mission-To provide one stop information portal for students .
Products & Service- upcoming events (seminar,conferences, call of paper ), Articles, Short Story  Etc.
Marketing Strategy-Student are the cornerstone of the  website.
Future Plans-To reach more and more Colleges/Universities


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Ankita Dalvi

I am kinda person who lives a simple life. Manages to be happy in every situation and enjoys every bit of life


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