Interview with Shweta Chaubey, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper 2014-15 (2nd Rankholder), Thakur College



Name – Shweta Chaubey

College Name – Thakur college

Rank: Stood 2nd in all the semesters

GPA / Percentage: sem v 79.57%


Tell us about yourself, your background, why did you join BMS and what do you plan to do after BMS?

I did my schooling from St. Xaviers school. Studied junior college from royal college and finally came to Thakur to complete my graduation. I have always been good in my academics. Besides I love reading novels and listening to music.

I joined BMS since it gave me an all round knowledge rather directing me in one field.


How does it feel to be a Topper of the college in Semester exams?

Ofcourse the feeling is great. It motivates me to do my best and maintain the consistency in all the exams.


Whom will you credit your success to?

I would like to credit my success to my mother-my life. She has extremely supportive in all my growing years and where I am today its because of her. Beside I would like to credit my college professors for being when I needed them and also would like to thank vipin saboo sir for his extended support in my studies.


Which coaching classes had you joined? How has it helped you in the exams preparation?

I had joined VST(vipin saboo tutorials). It has worked very well with me. Vipin sir has been very supportive, solving doubts even in odd hours of the day. He is not only a professor but also your friend.


Did you start preparing from the first day of your TYBMS?

No, not from the first day but took up seriously after a month after getting proper updates on the books and syllabus.


How did you study for Sem V? (Share some tips / advice for each subject)

For studying theory subjects I made sure I understand the concepts well and write down in a point format for every chapters for last minute revision and made sure that I take up FM and SSF on the daily basis.


Which are the easy subjects in Sem V?

I believe that there is nothing as hard or easy. If you take up interest and prepare well by giving equal weightage to all the subjects everything is easy.


Any special way of writing the answers? Do you write answers in bullet points or in paragraphs?

I always write answers in points or bullets form. It gives proper presentation to your answer makes it more readable.


How do you crack case studies in theory and practical subjects?

Most important thing in case studies is the understanding  the concept. Once you are clear with it you can crack it.


Did you draw any diagram in any paper? Is it mandatory? Does it help to get more marks?

No it is not mandatory but yes I draw it wherever it is required as it makes answers more appealable and fetch more marks.


Any specific study pattern adopted i.e. timetable / how many hours per subject per day etc.?

No, I didn’t had the proper timetable but made sure whenever I sat for studying, did it with full sincerity.


How do you fight against mood swings and distractions during exam preparation?

Music is my stress buster. I always put on the music whenever I was bored. It was refreshing.


If you are made the Vice Chancellor of Mumbai University, what changes would you like to initiate in Indian education system?

The current grading system, it is not specifically categorised for the percentage, subjects are being taken into consideration thereby hampering the overall performance of the students. No means of differentiation in the percentage category.


Many students prepare sincerely but constantly live under fear that they are not from big college / not from English medium and eventually lose confidence. What message would you like to these students?

The big background or college does not make you to top, you and just your hard work and confidence gets you to the top. Don’t just work hard but smart.


Through this struggle and success, what have you learned? What is the wisdom of life and competition? What is your message to the upcoming BMS students?

I have learned that your expectations are not always fulfilled but at that time also you need to be determined and keep working for your goals because hard work always pays off.


Any interesting experience / memory / favourite moments of being a student of VST which you would like to share with the audience?

Being a student of VST I never felt like a burden to go to classes I always used to look forward for it. I remember the way sir used to teach certain concepts in a role play format. They were very interesting and fun at the same time.


Your feedback for

It provided me with the updates on the syllabus and other ongoing events which were very helpful.


Courtesy: Vipin Saboo Tutorials

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Education Qualification: BMS- N M College (University Rank Holder) PGDBM- Sydenham College M Com- College topper Mr Vipin Saboo has been associated with the following institutes as a visiting faculty Lords college, Malad Patkar College, Goregoan Saraf college, Malad Dalmia college, Malad St Andrews College, Bandra Wilson College, Grant Road Thakur college, Kandivili L N College, Kandivili N K College, Malad Dhanukar College, Vile Parle St Xaviers College, Marine Lines Shroff College, Kandivili KES College, Khar Mr.Vipin Saboo also has more than 5 years of industry expertise with corporate like CRISIL, Motilal Oswal Investment Banking and Yes Bank. Mr. Saboo has also published a text book on Logistics and Supply Chain Management for TYBMS Students.


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