Interview with Shweta V. Agarwal, SYBMS Student, Pillai College


Name- Shweta V. Agarwal

College Name- Pillai College Of Arts, Commerce & Science

Course Name- BMS

Year- SY

  1. What are your achievements, interests, likes & dislikes??

Well as of now I haven’t achieved anything big. I still have big dreams to be full-filled. I like to stand out of the box, do something different than others, be different. That’s what I have been trying to do since I’ve joined the college and have organised few workshops and seminars in college & yes I also worked as a social media intern on which has taught me a lot.


  1. Tell us about your college??

Well I don’t know how to describe the college but I do know after I graduate I’ll be proud to say I am from Pillai College. Every time the college name would be mentioned I will have a faint smile on my face. Pillai’s has given me a lot of things like friends for life, memories, new opportunities, exploring my talent, handling pressure, developing my personality etc. etc. the list doesn’t end. Yeah there were some bad experiences too, but they also taught me well.


  1. What course are you in & why did you join it?

I am in second year BMS right now. I joined because management was something that intrigued me since very young age of my life. Seeing my dad managing his work place so properly and getting the work done from people in a proper efficient manner, and that is what management is all about.


  1. According to you what BMS is all about?? What changes would you like to bring in Indian education system?

According to me BMS is mostly about gaining practical knowledge of how the company & its management work, what all aspects have to be kept in mind to become a manager. But here we have a little bit or you can say no practical knowledge, we just have bookish knowledge which very few of us can apply. It’s not that theory is not important but we should also know how to imply those theories in our day to day life.


  1. Who in your life has influenced you the most?

Well as every daughter has the same answer, my dad has influenced me the most, but my mother is not far behind, they both are the reason of what I am today and where I am. 🙂


  1. What would you advice someone planning to BMS?

Well the only advice I would like to give is, it’s not only for BMS, it’s for any stream, and at whatever level you are “DO SOMETHING YOU ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT.” Don’t pursue your career because of what your friends are choosing or what your parents want or what pay you will get in future, because what you pursue now you will have to work on it in future. Now you will pursue it but then next 30 or 40 years of life every morning you will be like “Ohh no I have to go to work” but if you are passionate about it you will be happy to do it.


  1. 3 questions you would like to ask an MBA?

My 3 questions would be well firstly is he passionate about his work?? Secondly what was his experience from graduation to post graduation and then to a corporate or wherever he is working. What changes has he experienced?? Thirdly If he is not passionate about it then why & if he is then why?


  1. What are your future plans?

My future plan is well of course to be an MBA as management is what I am passionate about. And of course to reach the highest ladder I could climb towards success & to keep my loved ones happy & safe. 🙂


  1. Your feedback about

Well as I said earlier too that I have worked with earlier also as a social media intern just a few months ago. So I know they work really hard & provide opportunities & knowledge to students in every possible way, help them, guide them & encourage them. 🙂


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Christy Nadar


  1. When will b results out of SEM 6 KT Exam? Its been a long? Wht d hell is d university doing? Had exams in Nov now its Feb. I am not apply get jobs due to unavailability of my SEM 6 Result…Reply its urgent…

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