Interview with Siddhant Varma, BMS Class Representative, Nagindas Khandwala College



1) College days are unforgettable and infact they are the most happy days of every student’s life. As a BMS CR, what are your favorite BMS / college life memories?


According to me, the best memory would be the mischief that we have done as it is very difficult for a CR to do any kind of mischief. Out of all the college memories, I would cherish the mischievous moment of my college life as the most favorite memory.


2) What do you mean by leadership? Tell us about a time / describe a situation when you have proved you have better leadership skills.

Leadership has many definitions, but according to me, leadership is not only leading people but also teaching them and working with them.
I remember when we did our third presentation of Foundation of human skills, I was not elected as the group leader as I was already a CR but the presentation was not going according to the plan, at that time I helped the group and managed the group and we ended up with a great presentation, so at that time I acted as a leader.


3) What are your future plans / career goals / aim in life?
I want to make my career in marketing and for that I am planning to do MBA or MMS after graduation.
And currently I have done an internship in Times Of India.
4) What quality do you like the most about yourself and why?
I think the best quality about me is that I am a good listener.
The reason is when I listen to people I get to learn many things and also get different opinion for one problem or situation.
5) Being a young leader, what message would you like to youngsters / juniors / BMS students?
I would like to say to become a good leader you should be a good follower, being a good follower will teach you many things.
Even I have been a follower and today when I am a CR it is important because you can analyse that what exactly people want.
So I can just say that we should be good observers, hard working and finally good followers.

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