Interview with Siddhika Shete, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper 2014-15, Western College


Rank in Ty sem 5- 1st


Hello, I am Siddhika Shete, currently TYBMS Sem 6 student of Western college. I joined BMS because the course has a lot of scope. When I got to know I am the topper of 5th sem, I was really happy. I would like to give the credit of my success to my parents. I didn’t study from the first day of the semester but I did practice the practical subjects like FM. I think in Sem 5, the subjects like FM and SSF are easy ones. We were told by our professors to write the answers in bullet points and hence, I opted for the same in the exams. Answers of all case studies should be related to theory only. I did make most of diagrams in logistics paper. Prior to exams, I had made a timetable of 1 hour per subject. To avoid distractions during exams, I was focused that I wanted to study hard and make it to the best. My success mantra is “self-confidence is important” and I wish all the best to everyone. I thank for motivating toppers like us to share their stories.

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