Interview with Sorubhh K. Bharti, Founder, Azure MarCom


Tell us something about yourself?

       MBA from IIPM – Mumbai, I specialize in Finance & Marketing.

A diploma in National Economic Planning & Entrepreneurship

Since the college days I was keen to make my own venture and to establish an Indian firm that makes India Proud on Global front.

The ground structure of Azure was laid in college library and since 2007 the company is in full swing. 


Tell us something about your business.

Azure ( one of the first MarCom agency in India at the time of Inception. Industry has seen Advertising agencies, Event agencies, PR agencies or BTL agencies but never an organization that provides services in all verticals under one roof.

From head turning creative campaigns to concerts, shows, events & PR Azure manages a client from needle-to-plane way.

In a short span of 6 years we have been able to establish our own Intellectual Properties which is a benchmark in the industry.


What is your philosophy towards work?

There is just one philosophy which is to INNOVATE. Our industry is dynamic. Customer preferences & tastes changes every day. We have to be able to sell our clients products or services in this modern world dynamics.


Whom do you admire as your role model? And why?

Role Model for me has always been from history. I adore the teachings of Sri Vivekananda & Chanakya as for them it was the nation on priority always.

The INDIA centric ideas and their work always inspire me. With Azure we also want to make global footprints and make India shine.

 I also believe rather than following a western model of management in Indian corporate culture we must learn management from our great visionaries. Sri Krishna has been the greatest manager. His teachings are so full of inspirational and are adaptable to modern world customs. But we have always followed the western ways.   


“Management is core to every individual, organization & society.” Give your views on it.

 Resources are always scarce. Hence management is eminent!

Individuals know that there are limited jobs hence they should learn to manage time and groom themselves to the best so as to compete.

 Organizations also face scarcity when competition comes and takes over the reign on marketplace. Hence they manage to bring the best quality products and manage to market themselves in the most innovative way.

 Society also must understand that if management fails we see crime rate going up. The mismanagement of administration can lead to unemployment or much worse disasters or a financial mismanagement can lead to economical national disasters.    

 If we notice than management is applicable everywhere. If a nation fails than that is the testimony of its management failure.


Name 3 qualities of prime importance that a businessman should possess.

1.)    Self Motivation

2.)    Continuous Learning

3.)    Innovate / Out of the box Ideology


According to you, what are the challenges for Entrepreneurship today?

1.)    Increase in competition

2.)    Fluctuating markets

3.)    & unstable political grounds


Can Entrepreneurship be taught in B-Schools/Management Institutes/Colleges?

It does. I learned it from my college. I would have never dreamed of being a entrepreneur if my college had never inspired me.


Is the Name of the Institute from where a student pursues his/her Graduation/Post Graduation or other courses important while setting up your business?

No but the education that institutes imparts you is very important. I was blessed with the teachers in my college and it made me what I am today.


Do you think today’s economy is conducive for a new venture to start upon?

Good or bad but economy always favors entrepreneurship. It’s the vision of entrepreneur to see where lays the opportunity.


“Earning more & more is the motive behind any business.” Is it justifiable?


Yes it is. It’s the way or process by which the wealth (not money) is created. Most of the rags to riches story came up as due to constraints in their personal lives & they wanted to make great earnings.


Share with us the most enjoyable moment you had experienced on work.

The most enjoyable moment is I am yet to experience. It will be the time when I make my nation proud on global front.


Your feedback for

It’s an excellent effort. I would be keen to see more discussions, debates and interactions happening at the portal 



History-                       Started from the library of IIPM the company is a 6 year old venture.

Vision/Mission –

VISION:     To be a front face of INCs in the world markets.

MISSION:  To be a trusted corporate advisor for the organizations.

Products & Service-    MarCom | Media | Entertainment

Marketing Strategy-     Be Loud & make your presence feel.

Existing Market Presence- Mumbai | Pune | Delhi

Future Plans-                      Establish International Footprints


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