Interview with Sushmita Mukerji, BMS Co-ordinator, Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute for Financial and Management Studies


Name-  Sushmita Mukerji


College-  Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute for Financial and Management Studies, University of Mumbai.



Tell us something about yourself – I have done graduation in Commerce before pursuing MBA (MMS) in Human Resources and then another one in Marketing Management.


Tell us something about your college – ADMI is part ofUniversity ofMumbai and hence runs all programs in accordance with University guidelines and standards. Our intake for the course is 120 students per annum and we are fortunate to have a healthy blend of internal and visiting academics associating with us to offer value and inputs to our students. We follow rules laid down by the Board of Studies for the program and provide all other assistance to our students as and when required.


When did you join this profession? What inspired you to choose this field?


As a student, I had seen many who were sensitive, withdrawn and hesitant. Something which pushed them back and affected their future prospects. At some point when I decided to turn to education from the banking industry which I was part of, I wanted to reach out to all those who are unsure about broadening their canvas and feel and remain thwarted by the limitations of their own mind. A healthy mix of fun and games, events, industrial visits expose them to outbound training aspects of self management and team work. Many develop leadership qualities and entrepreneurial skills through the process. These three formative years as an under graduate student often lends direction to many lives. And act as memories to those who may not get the opportunity to receive education again soon.


To reach out to such large numbers, and be part of people’s ‘College Days’ and their most formative and impressionable years has been a challenging and humbling experience in all ways.


As a Coordinator, do you also teach any subjects? If yes, which subjects you teach and

which you love the most?


I teach marketing Management (SYBMS – Sem III), Special Studies in Marketing (Elective Paper – TYBMS Sem V) and Services Sector Management (TYBMS Sem V) Rural and Cooperative Management (SYBMS – Sem IV) and International Marketing (TYBMS Sem VI) in BMS.


I love all the subjects, just can’t choose any one.




How are the roles and responsibilities of a Coordinator different from that of a

faculty? Do you like being a Faculty or a Coordinator? Which helps you to connect more with students?


I think the responsibilities as an academic and coordinator are always similar, but as coordinator, also comes along the overall well being of each ward. At times, some of the phases seem hard and the student is not sure of making it through. My role as a co-ordinator, in this case, of being there for them, with a comforting arm around their shoulder when they need one, and to let them know that this tough phase, too, shall pass, is as important as ensuring the peer support they draw from each other which helps them see things from another perspective. This mentoring aspect of my job not only creates this conducive environment for the students where they can be themselves and grow into mature, responsible adults, but also helps me grow as a co-ordinator and be viewed as someone who’s always there for her students.


I have always encouraged my students to be open, courageous and independent. I feel in adopting the teaching and learning style of pedagogy, I do not like the growing minds to be laced with fear. Instead I like them to be brave minds who don’t discriminate, can go out as warriors and stick to their views. As coordinator I often indulge them to take decisions and practise what they preach in every way. This I am sure helps them develop their own distinct thought process and not merely follow the herd as they see the results of their decisions and actions and realise what is acceptable and unacceptable to them individually and collectively. I encourage all my students to inculcate their own views and thought processes which makes them thinking individuals and brings about a shift or movement in their life pre and post BMS.


I like teaching and coordinating –both. These are choices I have made and I am very proud of it.


Who in your life has influenced the most?


My students! They have been my biggest inspirations always.


Each student walking into the varsity comes after clearing an entrance and has years of hard work behind him/her, besides a considerable amount of time and money spent by their parents and efforts and hopes of their family. And hence my duty to deliver and provide an accountable value added return for each minute spent interacting with them. This overawing feeling gives a lot to look forward to each day!


When I enter a class, and see sixty keen faces looking at me, their collective energies are tremendously motivating. It lends a lot of spontaneous spark to whatever we want to discuss. This wouldn’t be possible in isolation ever!


As a student, I was a perfectionist and expected the same of my students initially. My students practically taught me the importance of the “Time Factor” in the learning curve. That I may do my bit in faith, and they will get it in time, that learning cannot be pushed, or nothing can be taught unless the mind is ready and in time, it will assimilate. That all fingers are different. That all lessons cannot be enforced at the same time, the mind, body and nature react with each other to teach people at different times.


And most importantly they have taught me to live in the present moment and to laugh at the smallest of things. I owe them my identity as their teacher and I continue to be inspired by them each day!


They are a very integral part of my life.



What should BMS/Management education mean to a student?


Bachelor of Management Studies is a unique program designed by The University of Mumbai and Board of Studies to integrate management principles and education at under-graduate level.  It offers early exposure and hands on training in management concepts with a wide variety of subjects encompassing all specialisations and elective papers in one’s area of interest.


It’s a full time professional degree with an overall exposure to academics, events and internships. And it teaches you to deal with corporate situations, deal with challenges and all kinds of people and handle everything with élan.



Tell us something about your college fests/events and extra-curricular activities?


We start the year with the Orientation Program for the freshman year batch where the students and their parents are inducted about the continuous evaluation pattern, norms and processes, also regarding Industrial visits and extra curricular event, plans and vision and growth projects of The Institute, followed by an Ice-Breaker Football Tournament – Discover Cup, where the new batch discovers friends. It’s a rotating trophy and extremely popular with the students.


The students then form cultural and sports team and participate in inter-college and intra-univ events like the annual event by Department of Student Welfare at All India Inter-Univ level. The teams also participate with Sports Department,UniversityofMumbaiand at various colleges across the city and country.  (amongst others at IIT – Kharagpur this year)


In first half we organise the annual fest – Zest which has been a tradition for long and is the most awaited event of the year. Besides sports (indoor/outdoor), culturals (arts/fine arts/ performing arts) acads (games/quizzes) and others we also have a mega event called Adventure-X. We have footfall for over a thousand students.


We also have Trinity Cup (played by FY/SY/TY BMS, and hence the name) – a season cricket tournament and APL (ADMI Premier League] in winter followed by a week long Industrial Visit for outbound learning and training and practical exposure at shop floor level, factory and industrial level. The trip is designed and planned keeping the students’ needs in mind by well known travel organizers and a team of seven-ten staff members accompany the same. We stress on the quality of services to ensure conducive learning environment, camaraderie and fun!




Do you believe that it should be made compulsory for students to manage both?

studies and be a part of college fests/events?


Yes. I strongly feel so. As a student of management, I have learned about life from college events just as much as I’ve learned from books and classes. It establishes your strengths and weaknesses and gives you a chance to address the weaknesses. Events teach you about yourself and your ability to interact and manage situations and people.


I think balancing events and extracurricular along with academics is what truly tests the potential of BMS grads. They should excel in both and more.


All events in our Institute are only student driven. We do not involve as decision makers and participate only as facilitators.  Its always their ideas, their energy, their call and their Zest!!




Tell us something about your college students’ performances?


All our students score very well, are well placed in the industry and successful in all spheres of life. Many choose entrepreneurship after the course and engage themselves in many sectors like hospitality, events, travel and others. And many are back for masters.


As coordinator it gives me great pleasure to see them all so well placed and I wish the same for our future batches as well!



What are your future plans for the college?


Being part of theUniversityofMumbai, our plans are in sync with the planning team of the varsity. The Institute is slated to expand horizontally or vertically from the infrastructural view point. So that would be mean added facilities for our wards too.


Student related activities are envisaged by the fraternity, though I would look forward to a newsletter, an E-Cell (Entrepreneurship Cell), more student related activities and committees and more participation and representation at state and national levels which brings in better recognition and helps build a stronger alumni base and overall branding of the Institute.



As a person, what is your mission/aim in life?


As of now I am living it. I don’t like labelling creativity and hence do not really have a long standing goal, but move inches closer to the same each day.


We have students of all backgrounds. I have always endeavoured to reach out to everybody. The students who are good will make it, I have also tried to focus on the ones

who feel a little less competitively for any reason. My students’ performance has been my acid test always. I am very complete and fulfilled with my role and the way things have been shaping. I can focus best on short term plans and this gives me the contentment and spontaneity to dream ahead.


I aim to give one hundred per cent whatever I do in my life, wherever I am. To me each activity is equally important and big. I don’t like carrying the position around and see it as a vehicle, but it has never been any bigger than any other role I play in life. I only consider myself to be a medium or a channel here and nothing more or less. I see it as a great opportunity to shape and mould young minds with nourishing love, ensuring my presence at all times. I have met many young people who need attention or little push when they feel alone. To me these have been my biggest achievements when my students know they can reach me anytime. I always disclose my contact details on day one of every term. I like to equip my pupils. And that has been my most empowering feeling always.


This connect means a lot to me personally. Its very important for me to be complete with my day. Beyond that nothing matters. Mindfulness and today has always been more important to me than years of planning.



Does your college provide any placement assistance to BMS students?


Yes. We have a Placement Team and a dedicated Placement Officer who provides us with opportunities and grooms our budding candidates. Few have been placed last academic year as well.


We also have senior visiting academics who refer students for internships from time to time. Our students have been doing internships with Retail Chains like Big Bazaar and Kishore Biani Group for the last few years during their Mega Festive Sale on 15th Aug and 26th Jan for a week or more each. This gives them hands on exposure of retail shop floor and gauge their interest in the field.


We encourage them to take practical experience and allied learning’s.


What are the prospects after BMS?


After BMS, the students have a plethora of opportunities like pursuing Masters in any discipline or most likely an MBA or any other PG program or diploma like Hotel Management and others, or professional courses like B.Ed and of course venturing into Entrepreneurship.


I feel the course is very comprehensive and a BMS Student can stand tall and achieve all that they set out to competently.



What message would you like to give to BMS students?


I want to tell each BMS student to never underestimate themselves and be-little their own efforts. Everyone does not get this seat. Some due to merit and many other due to other circumstances. In my experience of seven terms as coordinator I have come across many students who wish to do this course but are unable to due to financial or many other constraints. Hence, you cannot take these years of foundation education lightly.


This feeling and thought should always border around you when you feel you are taking anything for granted.


I wish all BMS students treat this specialised graduation degree as a channel to achieve their dreams and aspire for greater heights.


I wish the readers and all BMS students loads of luck – always!!

Your suggestions/feedback for :


I think the site is a fabulous aid to all BMS students and coordinators and faculty involved with the program and acts like a wonderful tutorial site.


Would like to suggest columns by faculties involving more content. Also hosting of ideas and incubation cells.


I wish everyone associated with the site great success as part of a dynamic and radical website which has achieved such pinnacles of popularity in such short time.




I would like to all those who support me by being part of BMS at ADMI – in every way. All full time faculties at ADMI, Placement Officer, Visiting Academics, Non Teaching Staff and Director, ADMI. Would like to thank them for the opportunity.


Without them we couldn’t move an inch.



Dr.C.R.Chavan – I/C Director, ADMI.

Prof.Aruna Deshpande – Reader, MMS Coordinator and faculty, BMS Faculty ADMI.

Dr.Smita Shukla – Reader, MFSM Coordinator and MMS/MFSF faculty, BMS Faculty ADMI.

Events Head/IT Head

Ms.Kavita Mishra – Placement Officer and Facilitator, ADMI




Prof.Sanjeev Thakur – Coordinator BMS/MFSM, Faculty MFSM, BMS Faculty ADMI.

For his constant guidance, support and equal presence at all times.



Prof. Niranjan Amte – for Retail opportunities and grooming, Visiting Academic and Internal Guide, BMS – ADMI.


Prof. Ashok Govande – for grooming, Visiting Academic and Internal Guide, BMS – ADMI.


Prof. N. Dhondi – for grooming, Visiting Academic and Internal Guide, BMS – ADMI.


Visiting Academics:

Prof. N Rambabu, Prof.Avdesh, Prof. Della Cresta, Prof. Subhash Dalvi, Prof.Pramod Sawant, Prof. Prof. Sunil Parkar, Prof. Atul Raval, Prof. Sheetal Mody, Prof.Shivaprasad and Prof. Aswani.


Also like to thank Prof. Rakesh Pathak, Prof.Kumud Joshi and Prof. Sunil Sengupta – who are not part of the time-table presently, but continue to guide us and we hope to associate with them very soon!



ADMI Office Superintendent – Mrs. R Chavan and Team

Mr.Sudhir More – Office Co.Ordinator, BMS – ADMI

The Exam Department – Mr.Kamble and Team

The Finance and Accounts Department – Mr. Sorte and Team.

Admin Department – Mr. Dabholkar and Team


Library and all non teaching staff who make it possible to run the course!


I express deep gratitude to all associated individuals as part of BMS Team – ADMI and personally remain indebted for the constant support and cooperation at all times.



I’d like to thank for the opportunity on behalf ofUniversityofMumbai’s Department of Management – ADMI.





Sushmita Mukerji.





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Ojas Barve

A professional in the education industry, Ojas is currently working with S P Jain School of Global Management (the global arm of S P Jain Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai) as Program Manager for all the under-graduate as well as post-graduate programs whereby he plays a significant role in planning the schedules of the programs across global campuses located in Dubai, Singapore and Sydney. He also plays a role as Academic Mentor for guiding the MGB (MBA) students in their internship/projects. In the year 2014, 12 students successfully completed their projects under his guidance. Former Professor at MT Educare, Ojas has trained the students from commerce and management streams. He has gained exposure to the print media industry, while he completed his internship assignment with SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce in their in-house publication, SIES Skyline as their 'Editor-in-Chief' He has worked with BMS.CO.IN at internship position as 'Campus Representative' for three months after which he was extracted in the team as 'Chief Correspondent-Social Media'. He gained hands-on experience in the field of Social Media and E-Commerce, then. He started his career in teaching at Aadeshwar Academy, Borivali where he trained the school-level students in the French language. He was also associated with Dnyana Prakash Classes, Dadar for two academic years where taught subjects of Organisation of Commerce and Management to Class-12 students. Academically, he's a graduate in management studies in distinction class with a strong flair towards languages. He is pursuing his Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management and Masters in Commerce with Business Management elective. He has completed his A-1 level certification in French Language from L' Alliance Francaise de Bombay. Also, he is a Certified Professional Introductory Counselor from SIES Institute of Comprehensive Education and holds a certification in Capital Markets from Inter-connected Stock Exchange of India Ltd.


  1. Ma’am you rock!!! Its not just us, its you because of whom we have been through lot of learning with enjoyment, its been a great experience & we are waiting for more. The BEST BMS COORDINATOR & Professor ever…!!!

  2. extremely impressive interview – because of the very high levels of commitment, integrity and sincerity that shine through it. Here is not just a talented proffessional doing her work meticulously and brilliantly..but equally- a sensitive, deeply humane and compassionate person – teaching thru inner humility, and a genuine respect for young students as individuals. I have always hoped that all teachers in our country would be oriented in this manner, and I’m sure there are, but here thru this interview I have actually met one! India and its Youth need hundreds more! Thanks.
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