Interview with Sushmita Mukerji, BMS Coordinator, Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute


Sushmita Mam

Name – Sushmita Mukerji

College Name – Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute for Financial and Management Studies, University of Mumbai.

Course Name –BMS

Tell us something about yourself and your college.

I am born in Kolkata and grew up in Mumbai. I did my schooling at St.Joseph’s Convent, Bandra, Mumbai followed by M.M.k.College and then at the University of Mumbai’s Kalina Campus. I enjoy reading, writing and travelling and also being different in all that I do.

Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute for Financial and Management Studies, University of Mumbai is situated in the Kalina Campus and we have been operating since 1994. We started the BMS program in its first year 2000 and have MMS, Part-time management program MFSM (Masters in Financial Services Management) and Ph.d centre.


When did you join this profession? What inspired you to choose this line?

I started teaching as a visiting academic in the year 2007 and joined the institute as a full time teacher in Nov 2008. I was a banker with Axis Bank before that.

I choose this line as I felt I wanted to be a student of learning continuously. I felt immense gratification and joy being with students in this journey.


As a Coordinator, do you also teach any subjects? If yes, which subjects you teach?

Yes, I teach Marketing Management in Sem III, Rural Marketing and Management of Co.operatives in Sem IV and  Services Management in Sem V, International Marketing in Sem VI.


How are the roles and responsibilities of a Coordinator different from that of a faculty? Do you like being a Faculty or a Coordinator? Which helps you to connect more with students?

The role of a co-ordinator is challenging as it involves being part of the life of students. I try to be friendly and approachable to them, equal to all and at the same time instill a sense of discipline and responsibility when needed. I find the role of a co-ordinator closer to my heart as it helps me connect with all my students at a one-to-one level.


Who in your life has influenced the most?

I have been influenced by great thinkers like Swami Vivekananda, Sri.Aurobindo who were teachers of the school of life. Great personalities such as these have kept a vast heritage for us to learn from. Besides that I feel greatly influenced by the ecosystem and nature and all those individuals who try to make a difference to their life.


Tell us something about your college fests/events and extra-curricular activities? Do you believe that it should be made compulsory for students to manage both studies and be a part of college fests/events?

Yes, I believe events and extracurricular activities help in immensely enhancing a students’s personality, confidence and skills. We as a college participate in inter-collegiate cultural events, sports and seminars and debates. We also host Zest which is an annual event of our institute where all merge fun with learning. Each year has a new theme and is unique in its execution and format and we ensure we undertake certain CSR activities too through the event.


Tell us something about your college students’ performances? Does your college provide any placement assistance to students? 

Our college students are all-round performers. They not only excel in academics, but also shine in professional pursuits and entrepreneurship. A lot of our students are proprietors in event industry and rural/agro management owning organic farms, plantations and export houses. We stress on applied management skills and many of our young graduates try their hand at making their own path.

We do have a placement cell and offer placement options to final year students. This gives them exposure and makes them independent.


What are your future plans for the college?

We would like to begin with some knowledge enhancing programs like foreign languages, self defence, career counseling, economic forums and regular guest lectures to provide wider exposure to our students. Also we want to provide value added management education by adding more knowledge and skill based options to students that aid them understanding themselves better and carve out unique professionals. The need of the hour is not to produce generalists, but to have specialists who are willing to learn, adapt, change and grow at any point in life. A degree arms them with basics which should be accentuated by extension and immersion and exchange programs to learn more about the markets, industries and consumers.


What are the career prospects after BAF / BBI / BMS / BFM / BMM / BBA?

We offer only BMS Degree programs at ADMI. After BMS graduates have a number of options at their disposal. They may work in corporate arena, start their own venture or study further. MMS is a good option and other Masters degree post graduations from colleges offering inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary studies is also an upcoming choice.


What message would you like to give to the students?

I would just like to tell them to be themselves! That they are not meant to run in a race, compete, compare or follow others’ footsteps. They are all individually unique and they should carve their own path. Live life on their terms and do well. Be independent and confident as you are not small to anyone else in the world!


Do you think an online education website can help Bachelor-level students? If yes, can you suggest us which things / sections we can introduce on our websites that will benefit students?              

Yes, online education website is of immense help to students. As the medium is highly user-friendly and has no barriers it is the best option for spreading education and guidance and enables many to complete their dream of educating themselves and excelling. Self-learning format makes keen learners and is a highly recommended format of education. Online websites are a great source of information and help and I think it should be made more accessible to all by increasing the number of participants, have quizzes and contests and more online interaction.


Thank you! Great going!

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  1. I Have Cleared my HSC Commerce Exams 2016 . Now i am thinking to go with BMS but some people are saying it is good and it have scope but some are saying it doesnt have a great future now i am confused what should i do ? please help me

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