Interview With Uma Nambi Konar, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper 2013-14, R.D. National College


Interview with Uma Nambi Konar, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper 2013-14, R.D. National College, Bandra who scored 79%.


How does it feel to be a Topper in the university exams? Whom will you credit your success to? What was your success mantra?         

Yes, it feels great to achieve this. It’s always blissful to get credited for the hard work which you put in. Parents and my professors have taken sheer hardwork to get me here. Joining Navigator Tutorials was the best decision which I made that got me here.


Did you prepare any timetable and please share your study strategy/exam tips to crack each subject of sem 5?                            

Preparing a timetable and scheduling what all is to be done a month or two prior the boards is very important and helps in the long run. Preparing with the help of last 7 to 8 years univeristy papers helps to finish 70 to 80% of the portion.


Do you think BMS student require coaching classes or is self-study enough? Had you joined any coaching class for a particular subject?                                       

Not for all the subjects but subjects such as FM, Logistics, Special studies in Finance classes are important. They guide you just not to pass but also excel. I had joined Navigator Tutorials for these 3 subjects.


What was your specialization subject? Why did you opt for it?    

I had taken up finance because my interest lies in that subject.


Can you list the textbooks you referred for all subjects?               

Rishabh publications is the preferred one and easy to grasp.


Which was your worst paper? Why? Which was your best paper? Why?                                          

No doubt at all, FM was the worst paper and every year there is a twist in this paper. Logistics was really good because the questions were very practical and even the sums in logistics helped in scoring.


Today, we often come across students committing suicide out of failure, depression or tension of exams. What do you have to say about this? Did you use any special techniques for stress management?                              

It is very important not just to indulge yourself in books but to even enjoy your college life. Taking stress will ruin all the hardwork which you have put in. Just revise and read your textbook again and again. This will help reduce the tension.


The Black Book project contributing a significant part to the percentage, please share the experiences you had during the preparation of the project and how has it benefited you.                    

Yes even the Black Book project is important. My College professors guided me throughout. This project is something which will help you in the long run in your practical life.


Did you pursue any additional courses/ internships alongside BMS? What are your future  plans?

No, I didn’t pursue any additional courses/internships. My motive of taking up BMS and learning was to enhance my skills as to how a management works. Learn management and what all it takes in making up a top noche company.


Any tips and advises for your juniors

Plan your studies and just analyze what your learning and gaining from this particular subject. Knowing the motive of studying the particular subject will make it more interesting. Learning things and putting it on paper won’t help but giving your own inputs is what helps fetch more marks.

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Aishwarya Mehta
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