Interview with Vidhi Shah, BMS CR, K.J. Somaiya College 2014


Vidhi Mehta


Hie guys,

I am Vidhi Shah, CR, FY-bms B of K.J. Somaiya college of Arts & Commerce. I was a commerce student till my junior college & now its that am doing my BMS with you all :P.
Its the fact which I won’t deny to that college days are unforgettable and are the most happiest days of one’s life 🙂
I have enjoyed my junior college at the par; & am also enjoying my degree college. It is great fun making new friends not forgetting the old ones.
The memorable day of this new degree college till now was that when I became the CR of my class :D..this has made me even more responsible than before & has also helped me discover new leadership qualities in me.
I believe that every person has a leader in oneself..its just that you need to recognize it in yourself.
BMS course will surely help me discover more about me & also build good personality. You’ll get to know what role does management plays in real corporate world. It is giving all of us an exposure to the outer world & getting us out of our shells.
I am planning to do my MBA in HR (Human Resource) or Marketing after my BMS. I just hope it goes all well with me as I believe that “If you can dream it, you can definitely achieve it!”
So wishing lucks to all my BMS-mates..All the very Best 🙂
Thank you.

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