Interview with Yogeeta Pandurang Jadhav, Best BMS Class Representative, S.I.W.S College



Q1)5 interesting facts about you?

  • I like to find out the rates of other currency as per the Indian currency.
  • I love to Read books but when it come to exams I hate it.
  • I love to stay up late at night but when it’s come with exam I sleep by 11pm.
  • When it come to exams and study time I found everything very interesting (even looking at wall)
  • I can be awake whole night by watching TV or chit chatting with friends.



I won first prize in Drawing Competition (Intra College Competition).

I won third prize twice in Creativity Competition (Intra College Competition).

I have successfully managed the Acanthus and Ehlaan (College Fest)



Lateral Thinking, hard working and managing people.



I have knowledge about the foreign currency, exports imports document



To be a Successful manager in Shipping Corporation.


Philosophy of life

Life is a Journey “ enjoy it while you live it”.


Future plan after BMS

My future plan is to do MBA in(finance), So that  I can fulfill my dreams.



Making drawing, cooking food, collecting interesting newspaper articles.



I hate people who don’t stand up while nation anthem is going on and disobey our nation anthem and country.

I hate people who smoke at the public places.



Q2) 5 Fantastic facts about BMS life

BMS life is very interesting we have to bring make group presentation that’s totally awesome, In this two years, I met with lots of people who directly or indirectly changed my life, It give us the scope of learning new things.


Positive and negative things about your college

My college has a great infrastructure. Our library has good collection of books from all fields and we have good qualified teacher who are Excellencies in their fields.


Positive and negative things about your BMS Course

Our course has a good basic content study wise but one negative point is that its not up to the mark and gives less practical knowledge.


How has BMS Course Helped you to Develop your personality/  What did you learn from BMS?

BMS course has helped me to build up my communication skills, and took the fear of talking up with unknown people.


Changes  you want to Bring in the BMS Course

I want the syllabus should be more up-to-dated and should include a lot more of practical work.


Share Your Favorite BMS College Memory?

I m a bit confused that what should I say about the college memory because each and every thinks was great it has become the memory like Roaming out with friends, Teasing friends, Sitting in the lecture and commenting about teacher and I can’t miss the most important fun that is IV .


Q3) What are the thoughts/ advices / tips you would like to give to the youngsters?

I want to give the advice to the youngsters that “voting is our birth right and you should use it correctly”.


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