Introduction of Core Committee


Kartik Momaya

  • Head of Chrysalis,11
  • From Ty BMS, a dedicated guy with whole lot of commitment towards his work. Aspires to be a very good event manager & a businessman. Was the Creative Sub head in his first year. Was instrumental in getting sponsorship for the festival as a sponsorship head in the second year and finally being promoted to the designation of Chrysalis Head in the final year.

Pritha chatterjee

  • Sub-Head of Chrysalis 2011.
  • Has been an integral part of college since her 11th Std.
  • Best student from self financing courses for the year 2010 – 11.
  • From Ty BMM (Advertising), has been working in chrysalis as a events Sub head in the 1st yr & Events head in the 2nd yr and Chrysalis sub head for the year 2011.

Akshay Sinha

  • Sponsorship HOD
  • From Ty BMS, worked as the event head in the first year & sponsorship head in the second & third year.

Juzer Contractor:

  • Accounts HOD.
  • From TY A/F. loves to be a part of the college festival and other activities and he is working since the 1st year. Has won the best student of the year award in 2011.
  • Chrysalis is a management festival great exposure for students.
  • MBA in marketing, HR or all training for UPSC exam is what he is looking forward to.

Sainath Kashikedar:

  • Chief Designer.
  • From TYBMM Advertising student. Specializes in designing and has designed college magazine “Yuvashilp”. Has also done Diploma in Animation (VFX).
  • Chrysalis has given me reorganization as a Designer . it gives opportunity to show our talent and improve managing skills.
  • Aspires to be a VFX Artist.

Shivraj Dalvi:

  • Events HOD.
  • Very much passionate about his work, than what I do, organising things and managing events is what he likes, riding bikes, daily exercise and playing volley ball are my hobbies. Has done event management and would like to work with WIZCRAFT Events.
  • Chrysalis is self financing fest, basically from us who are very much busy in their presentations and projects, a short break from this hectic schedule and enjoying those 2 days is what is Chrysalis all I can say.

Aniket Bhosale:

  • Events HOD.
  • Working since last year for Chrysalis.
  • Chrysalis is a great event. Enjoys a lot working together in Chrysalis. It is going to be one step ahead.
  • Aspires to be a photographer.

Shashank Sawant

  • Creative HOD
  • From Ty BMS. Being a crazy guy he enjoys his work. Aspires to become a successful person by 2025.
  • It’s cool to be a part of chrysalis. Am pretty sure that this year Chrysalites are gona rock.

Abhishek Singh:

  • Hospitality HOD.
  • A person who can always take work lightly which is bad sometimes but also good in some ways. Hobbies are drawing , cartooning and dance and have great interest in football and also in journalism. In the future wants to work in an Advertising Agency with a post of creative head or as a designer.
  • Chrysalis according to me is a period where a particular person develops himself in his interest, gets to explore themselves. Chrysalis’11as it is stated “Double one , Double fun”….. We are going to rock out the event as to no one has expected.

Nimesh Sawant:

  • Registration HOD.
  • From TYBMS. His hobbies are playing football, cricket and computer games and dancing. Most importantly he also likes painting.
  • Chrysalis is now an important part of my life. First year when I joined as a volunteer did not knew it will be so important for me. But now it is.

Khushi Shah:

  • Registration HOD.
  • From TYBMM Advertising. She was PR head in 2nd year and Events Head in 1st year. Has a basic attitude towards life. She don’t like mixing my personal and professional life. Has participated in various college festivals, quiz. Has won The Best Anchor of the college in Prize distribution Ceremony of our college. Has a strong networking skills.
  • Chrysalis is a good platform for Management Events, it gives opportunity to connect to people around Mumbai in same field. Aspires to be a PR Professional.

Rohit Shukla:

  • Hospitality HOD.
  • From TYBMM. Likes to play cricket and listen music.
  • Has 3 years of experience. Best event to handle. Aspiration is to become a Media Planner.

Zeeshan Qureshi:

  • Public Relations HOD.
  • From TYBMM. Loves interacting with people. Hobbies are to write poems, compose songs, and cycling is my passion. Aspires to become a lyricist and a scriptwriter.
  • Chrysalis ’11 according to me is going to be one of the best events ever taking place. We all are working hard for it and I expect it’s going to be the best. And all of us have come up with a huge lot of success ever and we are sure to achieve our goals. I expect we all will be the witness of the success and will surely be proud of ourselves as we have worked for it. Hoping it becomes a huge success than the past years.

Prathamesh Shinde:

  • Public Relations HOD.
  • From TYBMM (Journalism). Aspires to be a journalist in a good organization mostly in TOI.
  • Just enter the world of Chrysalis and you will get the feel of what it is.

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Hi, there myself Shashank Sawant. I'am the Event Manager for our Management Festival "CHRYSALIS,11" from Joshi-Bedekar College, Thane.


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