Introduction to Computers Practice Question Paper No. 1



Introduction to Computers is a subject in FYBMS which deals with hardware and software components of the computer system, networks and world-wide web. The subject deals with a variety of theoretical and practical disciplines that is focused on answering fundamental questions about what can be computed and what amount of resources are required to perform those computations.

Here we present Introduction to Computers Practice Question Paper No. 1:

  1. Explain TCP/IP protocol with example.
  2. What is system software and application software?
  3. Explain in detail computer crime and viruses.
  4. Draw the different formatting toolbar.
  5. Explain in detail different types of topologies.
  6. Explain types of magnetic disk.
  7. Explain in detail hackers.
  8. What is internet? Explain different types of internet connection.
  9. Draw a general block diagram of computer and explain in brief what is RAM and what is an operating system and its functions.
  10. Explain in detail data transmission mode.
  11. Write short keys and procedure for the following command – save as, undo, go to, select all, cut.
  12. Write the procedure in MS Word for the following: delete row and columns, superscript and subscript, create table 7*7, password document, bullet and numbering.


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