Introduction to Computers Practice Question Paper Set 2


computer set 2

Common terms used in computer subject: Virus – computer program that is referred as malware and can replicate itself to spread from one computer to another, Webcam – video camera that feeds images in real time to a computer network, VGA is video graphics array, volatile memory – storage information power, USB – Universal serial bus, USB Flash drive – flash memory device integrated with USB interface.

Here we present Introduction to Computers Practice Question Paper Set 2:

Q.1) Explain the following terms : 10 marks

1) Page setup

2) Magnetic tape

3) Anatomy of comp

4) File protection

5) Track changes

6) Auto correction

Q.2) Explain the limitations of computers – 8 marks

Q.3) What are the characteristics of computers? – 7 marks

Q.4) Answer in short – any 3- 15 marks

1) What are the different types of operating system? Explain.

2) What is a table menu in word?

3) Explain the data menu from excel?

4) Explain the slideshow menu in power point.

Q.5) Write short notes on any 5 – 15 marks

1) Virus


3) Modem

4) Software

5) Mainframe computers

6) Email

7) CPU

Q.6) Describe LAN components? – 8 marks

Q.7) Explain the network topology? – 7 marks

Q.8) Draw the block diagram of computers and explain in detail. – 15 marks

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